Chapter 1

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Kirishima's Pov:

I wake up to Bakugou cursing and rushing to get ready, I rub my eyes and yawn loudly. 

I hear a grumpy, "Get up, Ei." 

I sigh heavily, then proceed to roll out of bed and grab my pants. I slide them over my boxers and rub my eyes roughly. 

Then after a little tossing things here and there, I find my shirt and slide it over my head. I come over and press a kiss to the top of Bakugou's head as I say, "See you in a minute, baby." 

I open the door and check for any wandering eyes. (They go to a school with a campus for the students to stay at.) 

The coast was clear and I darted back to my room. I get dressed and fix my hair up, it's grown out quite a lot since Freshman year. 

I put it in a messy man bun and then head out. Me and Bakugou met up soon after, and we walked to the kitchen, where everyone was grabbing something for breakfast. 

I walked over to the breakfast bar area, I turned around to ask if he wanted something, when he slid his hand out of mine and was staring at something I couldn't see, he said, rushed, 

"I forgot something in my room. Don't wait for me." 

I opened my mouth to say something, but he was already stomping off. I stare after him for a moment. Then, I shook it off and put my usual smile on as people slowly joined me at the breakfast bar.

 I leave and head to class with Denki and Shinshou. Denki was going on about some cool hack on some video game he bought last night. 

It honestly sounded pretty cool.

 Shinshou merely watched him jump around the hallway and laughed every so often. I kept looking for Bakugou, he should be back by now. 


 My attention gets pulled away from him as Uraraka and Deku walk past us, beating us to the classroom. Deku had a huge growth spurt, the man was almost as big as me. 

And that's saying something. 

Though, I will take pride in the fact he isn't broader than me. I'm a thick dude. I turn and walk in, my eyes landing on Bakugou's empty seat.

. . .

Bakugou's Pov:

I looked over my shoulder making sure Kirishima didn't follow me. I jump slightly when Sero pops out in front of me, I jab him with my elbow and yell, "You fucking dick!" 

He laughs and says, "My bad, blasty. But listen, alright? You know how bad it is between me and Denki." 

I roll my eyes and scowl a bit, but say, 

"Alright. Fuckin' tell me then." 

He sighs in relief and starts, "The whole project thing with Denki still isn't working. He won't let us get anything done because we start arguing. He, I mean, Fuck. I don't know.. He acts like he hates me, man." 

I look at his face, making sure he was serious. I take a deep breath and say, "How serious is your fuckin' project." 

Sero rolls his eyes and says, "Serious. It was due yesterday." 

My mouth dropped before I could stop it. I close it and resume my usual scowl and say, "Yeah. You and Pikachu are fucked." 

He gives me a helpless look and I tch, and say, "Fine. Let me see the project." 

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