Her eyes go wide before she nods, speeding away with the toddler.

I hear a horrible wrenching sound before a thump on the ground and I sped in that direction, just to see Morrigan's father, a man I barely remember, his heart five metres away from his body, and Morrigan, another twenty metres away, lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

My stomach dropped as I ran over to the unconscious girl.

I could hear her heart, so she wasn't dead, but it was so soft and so quiet that I worried how long that would be for.

I picked her up, bridal style, and sped her back to the house, where everyone was.

Rebekah and Klaus crowded around Morrigan's bed, where a still pale Rosalie lay.

Her breathing was shallow, which matched Morrigan's, as did the complexion.

"What happened?" Rebekah asks hollowly.

"Her father." I say, gazing out the window at the garden. "I don't know what happened, but I just know he's dead."

"You killed him?" Niklaus asks and I shake my head.

"I assume she did," I say, nodding in Mor's direction. "He was dead when I got there. Plus, look at her hand."

"How can she do that?" Rebekah asks, seeing the blood that coated Mor's hand in a thin layer. "Magic?"

"Probably." I say, still in a worried tone.

Suddenly, Morrigan gasps and sits up abruptly, whipping her head around.

"Lie back down," Rebekah says and Mor looks like she was going through a play by play of what happened.

"No! Where's Rose?" She says, still whipping her head around frantically.

"She's just there," I say, coming forward to make her lie down. Rosalie was still sleeping.

She exhales in relief, pushing her hair out of her face.

"He's dead." Mor says with a relieved smile. "My father. I killed him." Before we could react, Mor suddenly bends over the side of the bed and wretches.

Throwing up black matter for a few seconds before all that came out was blood.

The first one to react was Niklaus who held her hair.

Probably the nicest thing I've seen him do ever.

I hear Rosalie groan and so does Mor, because she quickly wiped the bile from her mouth and presents a nurturing smile.

"Hello, love. How was your sleep?" She says, still looking sickly and pale, though I don't comment.

"Mama..." The girl starts before coughing.

Coughing blood.

"Rose! What did that man do?" Mor says on the verge of tears.

"He taught me magic." She says meekly. "He thinks I'm ready."

"What spell did he teach you, darling?" Mor says and Rosalie holds out her hands before her mother pushed them down. "Just say it, don't actually cast it."

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now