・☆《Part Fifty-Nine》☆・

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During the slow walk back, she scanned every area, searching for Levi, yet hoping to never spot him. Outside the store, she paused, standing in the wide doorway. She glanced around. Focused on every face.

When she couldn't see him, she stepped inside, and looked again. She ducked into the safety of the first isle and made her way to the end. Peering around the corner, she checked and when it appeared all clear, she stepped out.

She made her way down the back wall, stopping to check every isle before passing it, until she made it to the isle she needed. The third last isle.

Stood in the middle, she stared at the gaming consoles as if she hadn't left. She pulled a PlayStation box off the shelf and re-read the back. Maybe I should just pick one and go with it.

Someone came up behind her and poked her on the side of her waist. She jumped. Levi! With a gasp, she whipped around.

He smiled down at her. "Hi."

"Jensen." She breathed a sigh of relief, pressing her hand to her chest above her heart. "Hi."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright." She placed the box back on the shelf.

He gestured to the shelf. "Are you thinking of buying one?" A white bag hung from his hand, but she couldn't tell of it's contents, and it had no logo to give away where he had bought from.

She shrugged, but answered, "Yeah." Glancing at the boxes, she said, "But I don't really know what I'm doing."

He chuckled. The sound relaxed her. "I could help."

She nodded.

With his quick descriptions and his own opinions, she managed to pick out the one to buy in minutes. She put the Xbox back and took the PlayStation box from Jensen.


"No problem. Now, were you planning on playing with Briella or Jada?"

She smirked, blushing. "Or you."

His wide grin made her smile bigger. "Well, unless you only want to play multiplayer online, you'll need a second controller."

She followed behind him as he lead her to another isle, scanning the area for Levi the whole time. Two isles down, they stood in front of the shelves of controllers and other accessories.

She picked out a white one to match the PlayStation and controller inside the box. Then, Jensen lead her to one of the the two isles dedicated to all kinds of video games.

Renna started searching, running her eyes over every case. She knew what she was looking for. Jensen walked on a little further and looked at the games himself.

She picked out two other games that looked interesting to her, but she couldn't find the game she wanted.

Jensen returned to her side, and without a word, held up a game for her to see. 'Overcooked 2.'

Grinning, she took it from him, and bounced on her toes with excitement. She felt his eyes on her as she stared at the cover, smiling from ear to ear, but she didn't mind.

He helped her hold some of her items while they walked around the store, browsing for a minute before making their way to the checkout.

With her bag of items hanging from her arm, they both walked out of the store and through the shopping centre, heading in no particular direction. They walked close to each other and their hands clashed, knuckles brushing against each other. On the second touch, they both reacted. Fingers reached for each other. Wrapped around. Pulled in. Palms pushed together.

Walking hand in hand, she leaned in close to him. Her shoulder bumped his arm and she rested her head against him after two steps. He let go of her hand, but before she could feel sad, his arm wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her in. Her arm snaked around his waist to hold him close.

His warmth spread through her to her heart. I'm so happy, she thought. Levi was the worst thing to happen to me, but because of him, I now have Jensen in my life. And he's one of the best things in my life.

They stayed connected until the car park when they parted to find their own cars. Renna had said goodbye but Jensen offered to follow her home and help her set up her new PlayStation.

She jumped at the offer. "Yes please," she said, thinking, I'll need help because I don't know what to do to set it up, but knowing in her heart, she wanted to spend more time with him.

 "Yes please," she said, thinking, I'll need help because I don't know what to do to set it up, but knowing in her heart, she wanted to spend more time with him

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