・♡『Part Thirty -Four』♡・

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Stepping out of the bathroom, right into her bedroom, her heart skipped a beat.

Lights switched off. Her bedside lamp illuminated the room with a warm glow. One of her favourite scented candles lit on her bedside table. The scent of strawberry and vanilla filled the small room. Her bedsheets had been pulled back. Sat on her dresser beside the door out, her TV had been switched on, showing her Netflix home screen.

Looking around at everything, she couldn't believe her eyes. Of course Jensen had done it all. No one else could have.

She wouldn't have expected something like this from him. Then again, she didn't know him too well.

Jensen walked into the room, holding a green coffee cup with steam rising off the brown liquid. He placed it down on the bedside table before turning to her. "I know I've asked this several times already, and the answer is pretty obvious, but are you okay?"

"Yeah," she lied.

He gave a smile that said he didn't believe her, but he didn't push her on it. Sweeping his hand from her to the bed, he said, "Your comfort awaits."

She slid into the bed, pulled the covers up, and took the TV remote from Jensen. Immediate comfort swarmed her body. She had to give a few little kicks under the blanket in pure joy.

I am home, she told herself. I am safe. Everything is alright. I'll be okay. I am safe now.

Jensen's face split in a wide grin watching her being weird. "I hope you have a good night and a better tomorrow." He stopped in the doorway, looking back at her. "Don't worry about Levi. He's always been an idiot, and I'm sure he'll get his karma soon." With a last warm smile, he left the room.

Renna didn't want Jensen going back the apartment where he would have to face Levi. She didn't like the idea of Jensen creating Levi's karma for him. As much as Levi deserved it, she didn't want Jensen to have to get in the middle of it.

"Wait!" she called out, and seconds later, he poked his head through the door. "You can stay."

"That's okay. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"You won't," Renna admitted.

Jensen shifted on his feet. Uncertain. "No. It's—I'm—I've got some things to do anyway."

"Please don't," she said, and Jensen gave her a knowing look. Neither of them mentioned it, but they both knew what she was talking about. She scooted over to make space in the bed, and patted the spot beside her. "Please stay."

She thought she had the two boys figured out. Levi had the big heart and kindness. Jensen had the careless attitude and selfishness. Turned out she was wrong. She had it backwards.

Although she had learnt to be a bit more cautious, she felt they had both shown their true colours and it would be difficult to hide them now. She was willing to trust her gut with Jensen and let him in a little.

Jensen showed slight hesitation, but made his way over to the bed. Sitting down, he left a gap between them, but he was still close enough for Renna to feel his body warmth.

Without another word, Renna used the remote to flick through the recommended movies on her account. She knew the ones she wanted to watch, but with someone else here, she had to take into consideration what Jensen would like.

Due to the cloud of mystery around him, she was forced to ask, "What do you like?"

"I'll watch anything," he told her. "Pick whatever you want to watch."

With no idea what he might like, she flicked through the many movies and tv shows, searching for something they might both enjoy. She skipped past her 'continue watching' section, eyeing the 'Lucifer' icon before it disappeared.

I'd love to keep watching Lucifer, she thought. But she didn't want to jump into the middle of it if Jensen hadn't seen it.

After scrolling through several categories, Jensen chuckled and said, "A bit indecisive, are we?"

"I don't know what you would like," she admitted.

A little more serious, he said, "Seriously, don't worry about me. Pick whatever you want to watch, and I'll watch it with you."

With a little more assurance, she flicked through and found a movie she had been interested in watching for a while. She clicked on it to bring up the movie menu and the trailer started to play.

"You can't watch that," Jensen said, causing Renna's finger to halt, hovering over the select button.

"Why not?" she's asked, expecting it to be a movie he hated.

"It's called 'A California Christmas'," he said as if that explained everything. When Renna nodded in agreement but said nothing, he continued. "It's April. You can't watch a Christmas movie in April."

"Yeah, I can." She smiled.

"Well, you could," he agreed. "But it should be illegal."

Renna laughed, but before she could reply, her phone chimed on her bed-side table.

Renna laughed, but before she could reply, her phone chimed on her bed-side table

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