・♡『Part Twenty-Two』♡・

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Inside Renna's apartment, Briella flopped down on the couch. She wore black workout leggings and a see-through pink workout shirt with a black sports bra underneath. Something Renna wouldn't have the courage to wear.

Renna changed into some comfy clothes. A pair of long white flowy pants, a tight black t-shirt, and a simple grey zip-up jacket.

While in her bedroom, she found a bag and packed some clothes. Pyjamas, work clothes, and underwear. She took her toothbrush, toothpaste, face cleanser, hairbrush and deodorant from the bathroom, and stuffed them into her bag. Grabbed her phone charger from beside her bed and threw that in too.

She traded her work canvas shoes for a pair of simple slip-on flats, grabbed her bag, and walked out to the living area. "Ready."

Briella—busying herself by flicking through tv stations—sat up and leaned on the back of the couch to look at her. Renna noticed her eyes flick down to her bag. "Are you staying the night?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know." She turned the tv off and stood up, moving around the couch to stand in front of Renna.

"Levi's been asking me recently to stay over and I was thinking about it. If he asks me tonight, I might stay the night." Renna bit the inside of her cheek.

"What would you do?"

"Sleep." A smile pushed on Renna's mouth.

Briella titled her head and smirked at her smart comment. "So long it's what you want."

"It is."

She grinned. "Alright. Let's go."

Renna snatched up her work bag on the way out.

Briella talked about her excitement for her date all the way down to the car. Renna couldn't get a word in. All she could do was smile at her happiness. Briella's excitement leaked over to Renna, giving her a rapid beating heart for tonight.

Joy and thrill swirled around her stomach. Her nerves buzzed. She wanted to bounce on her toes. Tonight will be amazing and fun. I'm so excited.

They talked the entire drive over to the boys' apartment. Renna moved to get out of the car when she remembered her surprise for them. She reached into her bags and pulled out the cupcake box, opening it for Briella to see.

"Oh, they're so beautiful. You did these, Renna?"

Renna nodded, blushing and grinning like a child being praised. She picked out and handed one to Briella. "One is for you..." Picked up a second cupcake and held it out for her to take. "...and one is for Jensen."

"Awww. Thanks, Renna." She put the two cupcakes down on the dash, and pulled Renna in for a hug. "Have fun tonight. Text me to tell me if you're staying the night or not."

"Okay. You have fun too." She grabbed her bags and got out of the car.

Before she shut the door, Briella said, "Love you."

"Love you too." She shut the door and walked inside. Waiting at the elevator, she rocked back and forth on her feet.

Bing! She stepped forward as the doors opened and almost crashed into Jensen stepping out.

"Hey," he said, pushing his blue hair off his face.


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