Giving Up, In Other Words

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When me, Five and Reg went back into the hotel, the Umbrella's were all sat in the lobby waiting. They cheered and clapped when they saw me and Five. I didn't remember why. I didn't care anymore, I'd be dead in a few hours anyway.

"I loved the speech last night!" Deigo called, standing.

Lila did the same. "Brought me to tears you, big softie." She put her hands over her heart.

"I especially liked when you referred to us as a family bound by destiny and love." Viktor said from his seat.

"Yeah that was great." Luther nodded.

"So you do have a heart Five?" I smirked. He elbowed me.

"Oh, and you old lady!" Lila turned to me. "Wow! I mean who knew you actually liked us?"

"It was the booze taking." Me and Five said in unison.

"In the light of day you're all still deplorable." Five added. He sat down in a rather big arm chair in the back of the room.

"And I hate everyone of ya." I said. I looked at Viktor and Klaus. "'Cept you."

I sat down on the same chair as Five. We barely fitted, and our legs soon got tangled in each other's as we tried to get comfortable. Five gave me a confused and surprised look. Why? he asked silently. I didn't answer. I rested my head against my fist and elbow on the arm of the chair. Five was the only one in the room to acknowledge any of what just happened.

Reg cleared his throat. "The Norse had seven sleepers. The Blackfoot, seven stars. As a boy I heard the legends of the seven bells. All these stories are the same. The village is under threat, by flood, by fire, by a night that never ends. A shaman brings his disciples to a sacred cave. He tells them, if he can ring the seven magic bells, the village will be saved, and all will be restored just as it was."

"Reggie?" Lila, now lay in Deigo's lap, raised a hand. "Can we get a little less Brothers Grimm and a little more what the hell dose this have to do with us?"

"There is a truth to these myths." Reggie said. "None of you can deny what's going on around us. All of existence will be gone by the end of the day but whoever, or whatever wove together space and time, they left a way to put things back together if the universe ever faced total annihilation."

"Magic bells in a magic cave?" I guessed. I laughed. "Yeah, I'd rather just get shitfaced."

"There is a portal in the universe." Reggie went on, getting irritated. "I built this hotel around it. And on the other side, is the answer."

"And what?" Luther asked. "We're just supposed to just stroll in there, ring some bells and fix this shit?"

"Sarcasm aside, you are mostly right." Reggie said. "Exept for the guardian."

"What kinda guardian?" Viktor asked.

"Kinda guardian that dose this." Deigo said, holding up his injured hand. He had a new glove thing that hid his lack of fingers. "He had a sword."

"Kusarigama." I muttered.

"It is a force to be reckoned with." Reggie said.

"See, yeah, this is where you lose me." Luther said.

"This is where he loses you?" Lila asked. "I checked out at the scared cave."

"I checked out yesterday when we agreed not do anything this time." I said.

"Why would the builders off this back door need to have a guardian?" Viktor asked.

"Ah, to protect from people who want to use it for nefarious means." Sloane said quickly.

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