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7th April, 2019

I have spent most my life hungover. However this specific hangover was probably up there as one of my worst. Before I even opened my eyes the world was too bright. Throbbing doesn't even begin to cover my head. I doubted I had much left in my stomach, but whatever was in there was desperate to get out.

I went to groan, but it came out a low hoarse breath that made my throat hurt. I opened my eyes slightly, barely even taking what I saw in.

I heard someone groan beside me. I felt something shift against me, then realised something heavy was lay over my chest.

I looked down and saw Five looking up at me.

My mouth fell open, so did his.

We were in a bedroom, but it wasn't either of ours. The only thing I had on was my unbuttoned shirt, and I mean the only thing. Five's boxers were tangled around his ankes, and his shirt was half unbuttoned and half fallen off. The rest of our clothes were on the floor, along with two empty bottles of vodka. The covers were half-heartedly pulled over us, but mostly we were exposed. The only thing keeping me warm was Five.

Five lay face down on my chest, his arm across me. I had one hand on his back and the other falling off the bed.

Not gonna waste this opportunity. "So we just fu-"

Five jumped. I saw him panic and then he was gone. I blinked, the bright blue flash had hurt my eyes. I sat up. My head swam and I fought off the urge to vomit. I closed my eyes and groaned, swallowing dryly.

"Five?" I opened my eyes. He was nowhere to be seen. I scoffed and lay back down. "Asshole."

I stuck my head over the bed and threw up. I coughed and gagged for a minute before laying on my stomach.

"I need coffee."

Slowly, I got up and got dressed, leaving Five's clothes on the floor for him. I threw up once more and started my hunt for coffee and a aspirin.

I got them both and headed up to the balcony with the pool tables. As I went up the stairs Ben passed me going down, shirtless. I gave him a weird look which he ignored. On his back he had ASSHOLE written in sharpie.

"Hey, uh, 텐티컬," I said, stopping. "You got a little somethin' on ya back."

Ben reached over his shoulder and wiped the top of his back, not helping anything. Wordlessly he kept walking. I rolled my eyes and headed up. I was met with a mess. Stray bits of food, shot glasses and bottles of booze, clothes and all sorts were everywhere. In the middle of it was Klaus, in a jacket, no shirt and bright blue underwear.

"Oh," I sighed, looking down. "It's too early to be seeing that."

"Hey old lady." Klaus said, I risked a glance and saw him pulling trousers on. I sighed with relief and looked up at him. "What's up?"

"Hangover." I said, brushing shit off pool table and sitting down on the edge. "You?"

"Same basically." Klaus shrugged and sat on the other table. "And Ben and me. Apparently."

"Wait did you...two..? Oh ,you did." I gagged. "Klaus, no. I thought you were above this."

"Above what?" Klaus asked.

"Fucking your brother." I said loudly.

"No," Klaus yelled back. "He's not- we're... that's not my brother Ben. That's different Ben. Sparrow Ben."

I sighed and looked away, drinking my coffee. "Okay. Whatever. Still think it's weird though."

"Oh you're just jealous." Klaus shrugged. "You remember what I said. You and Five must be horny as hell, refusing to admit your feelings for each other."

Guns (Number Five X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu