32 - The Commission's Fucked

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3rd April, 2019

Thankfully, I was right. Me and Five went to get changed, looking for something appropriate that would fit two thirteen year olds, and found the best tailor in the timeline. He was able to make us exact suits to our old Commission ones, fit for a thirteen year old.

We met back up with Lila, who was in a back closest for some reason, and started plotting on how to fix a briefcase impossible to break.

In the end we were hooking Five up like we were about to electrocute him to death. Again, my own feelings surprised me when I found I was opposed to the idea.

I really need to get over him. I reminded myself.

"Nice suits." Lila said randomly. She was holding two jumper cables and stood by the briefcase.

"Thanks." Five said, attaching more cables to various parts of the power box in the corner. "Tailor in the lobby is a master craftsman."

"Still I will miss those pesky knees." Lila said.

"Gross." I said, leant against the wall by the door.

"Well we could stand to be showing a little less skin these days." Five said, referring to Lilas bra-top.

"Mm." Lila said. She held out the cables to Five. "For you."

"Yeah." Hesitatly, Five took them.

I stepped away from the wall and beside Five.

"So, what are the chances this shocks him to death?" I looked at Five.

Lila shrugged.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Five asked. I couldn't place his tone.

"Not sure." I muttered, looking away. "Ask me later."

Lila picked up a control box for the electricity. I put a hand on Five's shoulder as he hyped himself up.

"Ready to hot-wire this briefcase?" Lila asked.

Five exhaled and nodded. "Let's do this."

Lila turned it on and Five's fists glowed blue. "AH SHIT!" He screamed and Lila laughed. He collapsed, straight into me. I wrapped my arms around in and held him up.

"TURN IT OFF!" I yelled.

Lila, still laughing, shut the briefcase off. Of course, though, it caught fire the moment before she did.

Lila clapped her hands and walked out. I let go off Five, who collapsed against the wall. I grabbed a cloth and put the fire out before turning to him.

"You okay?" I asked quietly.

"Almost sounds like you care." Five cracked a smirk. He walked out after Lila. Sighing at the fact I did, I followed.

"Yeah I was 99% sure that wouldn't work." Lila said, still laughing and sitting on a table.

"And I'm 99% sure I'm about to break your nose." I said. "You just destroyed a briefcase! How much of an idiot are you?!"

"I'm glad my pain amuses you." Five said.

"You have no idea. It's like my therapy." Lila said.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall opposite her by the door. Five closed it and stepped towards her. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it as he spoke.

"Well now, we are down to one half-dead briefcase and my jumps are only accurate to a couple minutes." He started pacing. "So essentially, we're screwed."

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