Work Sucks

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As the three of us made our way through the front yard, drawing many stares. Obviously because we were with The Handler, but also because we were two thirteen year olds called Number Five and Y/n, famous names amongst the Commission.

The Handler was giving a speech about how well we worked and the big picture and successors and all that, something inwas hardly listening to, Five didn't look to interested either.

"I'd like to discuss the logistics of my family's safety at your earliest convenience." Five said as we started up the stairs.

"And these body replacements." I added. "At your earliest convenience."

"Such chutzpah." The Handler said. "It's refreshing, I'll admit. Slow down kids, all in good time. In fact now that you've agreed to work with us, we've got all the time in the world."

We had reached the top of the stairs and The Handler started leading us through the halls. It was strange how badly I knew the place, then again the correction department you spent little time anywhere.

She led us through the halls, giving us the welcome speech and tour, something I barely pained attention to since she had given it to me before.

Five asked about who was watching him in the apocalypse, which led to us meeting this woman Dot. The Handler offered me a chance to meet who flagged my deviation from the timeline, but I politely refused, I didn't like to think about my past life.

She finished with a not so subtle hint we were amazing and probably going places with the Commission.

She waked over to an empty desk, it was the only one with two seats. One each side facing eachother. The Handler pulled out each chair and gestured for us to sit.

"I suspect, you two like a challenge. Which is why I've given you a particularly complex first case."

She handed us the file and Five took it. He opened it and we both scimmed over it.

"Too bad Joseph Späh decided against sabotaging the fuel tank. It wouldn't been so much easier." The Handler laughed. "Anyhoo, if you have any questions, I'll be right behind you."

She walked out and we sat down, watching her leave before properly reading the file. Then we spent a while brainstorming a way to sabotage the aircraft Hindenburg. When we figured it out we got up and left, heading for the Tube Room, as it was uncreatively called.

Five opened on of the many tubes and I handed him the case.

"I'm afraid that's not procedure."

We both jumped and looked. It was The Handler, she had bent down and stuck her face between us, talking directly in our ears.

Five took the container out and we turned to face The Handler. We followed her gaze to an older woman with brown curly hair and glasses sat in an office at the end of the long room.

Spotting us, the woman stood and walked over to us.

"Five, Y/n, meet Gloria. Gloria is prehaps the single most vital cog in our machine. Gloria, this is Number Five and Y/n."

Gloria laughed. "Look at you, deadly little things. So happy we decided to close the contract on your lives."

"Yeah, me too love." I smiled and put my hands in my pockets.

"I'm afraid your reputation precedes you. And it looks like your building on it here." She held out her hand and Five handed her the container. She opened it and unrolled the note inside. "Oh, Karl Weber? Now tell me, why unfortunate Karl?"

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