43 - Dating, I Could Get Used To That

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Date Unknown

Next thing I knew I was leaving an elevator. It was pitch black, the middle of the night, and freezing. I stepped out into some kind of public garden. Six pathways lead six different directions, meeting in the middle at an altar, a bust of one Sir Reginald Hargreeves himself on the top.

Lila laughed. "Cool."

"I'm sorry what the fuck just happened?" I asked.

"No idea." Five said, walking over to the bust of his dad. I did the same and read the plaque.

Graciously donated by
This 1st day of October 1989

"Naturally." I said to myself.

"Luther?" Viktor said.

Me and Five turned around and saw Luther leaving the elevator, looking very confused. Viktor walked over to him.

"Oh shit," Luther said. "You can see me?"

"Yes!" Viktor yelled, hugging his brother and laughing.

"I'm alive!?"


"I'm alive!"

Everyone cheered one way or another except Five, who just stared in confusion. I elbowed him lightly in the ribs.

"Lighten up you old bastard," I said. "Ya brothers alive. And us. Whatever just happened, it worked."

The hug broke apart and Viktor looked Luther up and down.

"That's not all big guy," Viktor said.

"Huh?" Luther looked down at himself and gasped. His body was normal. "Holy shit! My body."

"No more monkey, Monkey Boy." I said.

"I got my arm back." Five said, admiring it.

"And you're not blue anymore." I noted approvingly.

"This is so cool." Luther said. He stammered. "Wait, where's Sloane?"

"Oh she was uh, she was right behind me," Klaus said.

"When Allison hit the button." Lila finished.

"She's gone too." Deigo said.

"My hand's fixed." I noticed, flexing it.

"You know," Klaus said as Five walked away. "I don't know about you guys, but I have not felt this good in years."

"Does anyone know where the hell we are?" Ben asked.

"Obsidian memorial park," I said, pointing at the plaque. "As to where that is," I shrugged.

"I think the old man did it." Five said. "I think he reset the universe."

"After I killed him." I added. "You're welcome."

"You got your fingers back!" Lila said. I looked and saw her holding up Deigo's hand, now with all five fingers.

"Sloane?" Luther called. "Sloane!" He walked over to Five and grabbed his collar. "Hey. I don't care about any resets alright? I want my wife back. Where is she, Five?"

Guns (Number Five X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt