I knew It Was Too Easy

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Not long after Hazel left, Deigo woke up. We took the piss and he left to go after Hazel. Then Five left with Delores to do something he needed to do this on his own. "As long as you don't come home half dead again," I told him. He promised he wouldn't and jumped away. That left me all alone drinking margaritas when the door opened.

I looked and listened to the light footsteps.


I stood and grabbed my margarita, heading into the hall to see who it was.



I stepped towards him cautiously. "Hi. Um-"

"Is Allison-?"

"She's alive." I said, walking towards him more comfortably. "We got her back in time. Ya mom says she'll live."

"Thank God." He said. Up close, I could see he had been crying, he still looked close to it. "It was an accident. I didn't mean to hurt her I just lost control and-" He broke down and started crying.

"I know, Viktor. I know." I extended my arms and Viktor hugged me, crying into my shoulder. I hugged him back. "Yeah, ya don't seem like the type to slit your sisters throat cold blood."

For a moment or two I just stood there and let him cry.

"Can I see her?" Viktor asked quietly.

"I think she's still unconscious. I'm not sure if we should."

Viktor nodded and kept crying.

"If it makes you feel any better," I said. "We stopped we stopped the apocalypse."

He pulled away and took a deep breath. "What?"

"Um, ya know that Peabody guy you've been seein',"

"He's actually a phyco who murdered his dad." Viktor nodded. "I know. Allison told me. She was just trying to protect me and I-"

"Don't, Viktor." I said. "Don't do that. Just don't. But um, yeah he was a killer, he also was meant to start the apocalypse."


"It's a long story but me and Five figured out he was the one who would cause the apocalypse. We went to his house this morning and-"

"He was dead." Viktor finished.

I nodded. "Yeah. Do you know how-?"

"It was me." Viktor said, close to tears again. "He was using me and I got angry and... I lost control. He's just another person I hurt because I can't control myself."

"Hey, Viktor, I'm gonna be honest with ya but I don't know much about what you've been up to this week. But... look even if you hadn't killed him me and Five would've anyway. You saved the world Viktor, you stopped the apocalypse."

He looked down. "I don't feel like a hero."

I shrugged. "Ya never do. Do you want a drink? Five made some margaritas but if you wnat something stronger?"

"Yes." Viktor said as we walked through the living room. "Definitely stronger."

"Attaboy." I patted his back and lead him to the bar. I put my glass down and walked behind the bar as Viktor sat down. I crouched and stated looking through the bottles.

I heard someone come in and Luther speak. "Viktor."

"Luther." Viktor said.

"What happened?" Luther asked bluntly.

"We got in an argument. Things got out of control.  I didn't mean to hurt her. Please you have to belive me."

"I do." Luther said. "And now you're sat at the bar drinking."

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