Where Are You Idiots

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October 20th, 1963

I dropped out the portal and groaned. Would it kill him to open one NOT ten feet off the ground. I rolled on my back and looked up at the huge blue swirl. It shrank and shut, everything fell quiet.

I narrowed my eyes. Was I the last to drop through? I looked around and saw on one. I proped myself up on my elbows and still saw no one.

"Five?" I called. I got up and looked around. I was in an alleyway, nothing special about it. One side was a dead end and the other went into the street. I stepped out into the street and cupped my hands around my mouth.

"Five!? Viktor!? Deigo!? Umbrella Academy!?" I looked around, I had drawn a few odd stares and no Umbrellas.

I sighed and ran a hand threw my hair, fucking concussion. I saw one woman looking at me and walked up to her, she stepped away from me.

"Excuse me, miss?" I called before she could leave. "Have you seen a boy? About my age, dark hair, kinda an asshole dressed in this school uniform?"

"No sorry." She shook her head and stepped back again.

"Okay." I nodded "One more thing. Where are we and what year is it? Date and all as well."

"It's... 1963, October 20th. We're in Dallas, Texas."

I nodded. "Right," Why the fuck?

"Um, kid," The woman said. "Are you alright? Are you lost or something?"

"Nah, I'm alright." I waved my hand and started walking away. "Don't worry 'bout me love. I'll figure it out."

I shoved my hands in my pockets and kept walking. And get out this god awful uniform.

I kept walking for maybe an hour or so, looking and calling for Five and the others. I didn't find any. I stopped in a library and opened a phone book, always a good place to start.

The first one I found was L. Hargreeves. Luther. I wrote down his address and kept looking. No Deigo, Allison or Klaus. No Viktor either. I grabbed a few old papers and started looking through them for anything I could find. I found Deigo, back in '62 he was put away in a mental hospital, convenient. Still no Allison or Viktor. I glanced down a small article on a back page. Man by the name of Viktor has no memory of who he is, if you know anything please call this number. Underneath was a phone number, address, and picture of one Viktor Hargreeves.

Son of a bitch. I cut the article out, shoved it in my pocket with the list and walked out.

I headed to the asylum, where Deigo was staying. I figured he'd be easiest to handle. I checked in and asked for a appointment with him, school project.

I was sat in the waiting room smoking when Deigo walked in. He looked strange, all in white and knife-less. His hair and grown to a scruffy heap to his chin and he looked tired.

The gaurd unhandcuffed him and he sat down infront of me. The gaurd gave us both a look before leaving.

I smiled at him. "You look like shit."

"Nice to see you too kid." Deigo muttered, leaning forward in his chair. "Where's Five?"

"No idea. I haven't found him yet. How long you been here?"

"Bout a month. You?"

"Two hours." I smoked and leaned back in my chair. "Oswald ay? Why him?"

"He's going to assassinate JFK," Deigo said obviously. "I can't let that happen."

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