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This is a short chapter so...
I woke up and felt Moo holding me tightly. I looked to see everyone still asleep. I wanted to do something for them so I decided I would get food. I gently pushed Moo's hand making him release me and turn around. I stood up in the darkness and found oil on the ground. I put some on my finger and left a large word on the wall, food. I saw Jinxx walk to me and made a soft quiet meow as he were whispering. I grabbed the padded bag and put it near him. He jumped in and I closed it slightly. I put the bag over my back as Jinxx squirmed and stopped. I put on my mask then I walked out the warehouse and went towards a grocery store open 24 hours. I walked in and went further in the aisles. I opened my bag and let Jinxx out he looked at me and meowed again. "Distract." I said and he meowed and started making a loud annoying meow running through the store. I stuffed the bag full with food then my pockets and ran to the front whistling. Jinxx ran fast with people chasing him. I opened the door and he zoomed out and we ran away from the store. As we were running I scooped up Jinxx and lost the people. I slowed down and went to the warehouse.
I walked in and heard arguing. "Shhe could've told us this Brock so no one would search for her! And for Pete's sake she took the damn cat that kinda means something!" Evan yelled. "She wouldn't leave us! She's coming back I know it." Moo said. "Don't you understand she's not." Evan said. I walked in and put Jinxx down. "Well I actually wanted to do something good but Evan has some major trust issues with me. For Hell's sake I helped you when you needed it! I saved you from certain death! Now you got trust issues with me?!" I yelled throwing the bag down and emptying my pockets. "Arctic-" Evan said. "Don't you fucking Arctic me! Ugh just... I'm going for some air." I growled and Jinxx looked at me seeing my anger and stopped trying to open a protein bar. He chased me as I walked out the warehouse. I scooped up Jinxx and put him on my back. I climbed the warehouse and sat on the roof. Jinxx climbed off and curled in my lap purring. I petted him sighing, "Trust issues after I helped them." I growled. I watched the sun start peeking through the horizon spilling its colors on the clouds. I heard Moo call for me. "Arctic? Arctic!" I looked doqn and called him, "Moo up here!" I said and he started climbing to the roof. He sat next to me wrapping his arms around me. "Evan said he was really sorry." Moo said softly. I sighed "it just makes me mad that he would've thought I left after helping so much." I said as he pulled my chin to look towards him. "Don't worry about that anymore." Moo said pecking my lips. I smiled and leaned on his shoulder. "Pretty sunrise." Moo commented.

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