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Before you begin this story, the chapters are messed up so you must check the list the chapters are listed on and select them. Im sorry for this error but somehow my Wattpad screwed it up.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

I pocketed only $500 from him leaving him the rest of the money. I quickly left the area and hid. After awhile when I felt safe I rested.
Oh look who it is again. Nice to see you'll do more work for us Artic. Said the leader of an old gang who tried to kill me after I worked with them for many years. He pointed a gun at me and a gunshot went off.
I sat up quickly startled. I sighed. I needed to change my appearance if I want to live. I went to Suburban. I picked a black leather jacket, gray skinny jeans and some nicer black converse. I paid and felt better. I went to Ammunation and got a simple stun gun and a mini gun. I had only a little money left so I decided to save it. I walked out and went to buy some food. I was walking and felt someone watching me. I dismissed the feeling and kept walking to a convenient store.
I paid for a granola bar and manage to steal a soda and a candy bar. I walked out and felt the feeling again. I saw a helicopter hover passed me. I decided to keep an eye on ut and crossed to street. I saw it following me and knew either Vanoss or Dan was here to kill me. I quickly ran into the street stopping a someone on a motorcycle. I grabbed the guy and threw him off taking it. I speeded and saw the helicopter follow me. Thats when I saw a car diffrent from the others. It was black and yellow with a batman symbol. I knew it wasn't any of Dan's men and it might be a Vanoss's men. I quickly went on the highway. I moved to the next lane which meant dodging cars coming straight at me. I quickly moved dodging cars and leaving the batman car in the dust. I exited the highway and felt myself go flying. Someone hit me. I fell and skidded a few feet before stopping. I saw a person in a monkey mask and a guy in a hockey mask run to me. I got up and felt stinging on the side I skidded on. They got their guns out and aimed at me. I grabbed my stun gun and shot the monkey. He yelled falling in the ground and twitched around. I then shot the hockey mask guy and he did the same. I went to them and hit them both on the neck making them knock out. I gabbed their phone and called a familiar person Vanoss. "What now Lui?" He said. "Missed me?" I asked and he started yelling. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?" I cringed at the loud noise. "Same as Nogla, I will ask you to please stop trying to kill me. I will also take some of their money to pay for bandages. Oh and by the way I will never die." I said copying the hockey masked guy. I hung up and took $500 off both of them. I grabbed the motorcycle and left the area. It was getting dark so I went into an alley and turned the motorcycle off. I hid and fell asleep.
I quickly opened my eyes but I couldn't see. I tried to take the thing off my eyes but my hands were tied behind my back. I struggled and tried to speak but I felt ducktape on my mouth. I licked it off. "Dan look I'm sorry for whatever I did, but I don't have the shipment information!" I said and struggled. "Shipment?" A male asked me and I quickly got their voice. "Wait who are you?" I asked. "Well it doesn't matter anymore your going to die by Vanoss's orders." He said. "VANOSS SHE'S DEAD!" I yelled copying the mans voice. A door opened. "Vanoss! It was a lie she told." He said and I heard footsteps approach me. The thing keeping me away from seeing anything was ripped off. I cringed at the brightness of the room and saw an owl mask. "What about this shipment?" He said. I looked at him. "Nothing that concerns you." I said and looked at my surroundings. "Oh so I'll get some info with force." He said and called for someone named Delirious. That was the same man with the monkey. The man with a tie dye shirt and Vanoss left. "So tell me about the shipment." He said looking straight at me. "No." I said and he grabbed a wrench. I struggled and feared the wrench. He then slammed it on my hand. I cried out in pain and looked down. "Now I will ask you again." He said. "And you won't get anything out of me because there isn't any information on the shipment!" I yelled at him. He slammed the wrench on the other hand. I screamed in pain and started crying. "I can't tell you because I need to find it! It benefits me!" I yelled. "How so?" He asked. "Dan won't kill me! He'll clear out any shit with me and his gang!" I said and felt tears soak the neck of my shirt. "So you know what the shipment might be so tell me that." He said. I cried silently. "No I want to clear my name with them." I said and he walked to a table and grabbed a taser. He turned it on and it started making loud zapping sounds. I shook my head and went in panic mode. He shocked me and I screamed. After a few seconds he removed it. "Tell me." He said.
I felt numb. I was covered in blood, cuts, bruises, sweat, and lemon juice which still stung my cuts. I cried silently. He never got any info out of me. I need to clear my name with Dan. I stared at the ceiling and heard some inaudible yelling. I then saw the man from earlier come down. He looked at me with worry and cut the ropes that kept me on the chair. "Come on now. You hungry?" He asked and tried helping me up. As soon as I stood up I fell down and screamed at the pain on my legs. The monkey man looked at what caused the racket. He went and helped the other guy lift me. I was carried up the stairs. I cried in pain. When I wouldn't tell him he yelled and eventually lost it. He chuckled darkly and started cutting me and beating me. I was layed on a table. They grabbed bandages and cleaned my wounds. They wrapped my wounds. They tried making conversations with me but I ignored them. I was then taken back to the basement I believe and chained there. They gave me some soup but I didn't want to eat. I rested on the ground having nightmares about Delirious.

Arctic | A Moosnuckel FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora