Volume 1 Chapter 14: Starting over

Start from the beginning

Y/N pulled out his Ice Nunchucks in a bright flash as he twirled it in front of him and multiple ice shards began to blast towards the Galla at the speed of bullets.

The Galla unleashed a steady stream of fire that will burn anything within proximity of the flames. However, Y/N jumped high into the air and begun to twirl two ends of Cerberus above his head. 

As he continued to twirl them, the chains attacking the two ends begun to quickly expand and stretch at a massive rate, until they were long enough to reach the Galla and slammed into its gut. 

Y/N continued to twirl them at an even faster rate, as Cerberus was hitting it, ice was forming and begun to expand all over its body. Y/N threw Cerberus out and sent the Galla crashing to the ground. 

???: You sure made quite the mess. 

Y/N turns to see Vali leaning against the wall. 

Y/N: Vali? What are you doing here? Forget it, I don't have time for this. (was about to walk away)

Vali: And neither do I. (puts his hand on Y/N's shoulder) So I'll cut to the chase.

Suddenly, Vali grabs his arm and throws Y/N into a wall. 

Vali: I'm here for the Yamato. That sword does not belong to you.

Y/N: (emerges from the dust and equips Yamato) Your point being?

Vali: It was originally Vergil's, my uncle. I can't have just anyone running around with it, it can cause a whole lotta trouble. Return it to me and I'll let you go, kid.

Y/N: Kid? Well... If that's how you see me, I think you'll blush a pretty pink when I kick your ass!

Y/N slashes his sword at Vali, who jumps, and the slash breaks a large pillar. Vali lands on the ground. 

Vali: So be it. 

Vali and Y/N were about to duke it out, until they heard a gunshot as they turned to see Dean. 

Dean: Alright guys, knock it off. 

Vali: Dean... 

Dean: Vali, don't you think you're going overboard? 

Vali: He stole the Rebellion and the Yamato. 

Y/N: Stole them?! Raven gave me the Rebellion as my birthday present, I found the Yamato during the initiation! 

Vali: Doesn't matter. 

Dean: (sighs and looks at Y/N) Let me ask you: Have you heard about the Legend of Sparda? 

Y/N: Yes, I've learned about him from Ozpin, Jupiter, and Yasuke. But what does that have to do with this?

Dean: Because Vali and are his grandsons. 


Vali: Does it look like we're laughing? 

Y/N: Oh, so you're not joking. You two really are demons.

Dean: Quater demons. Our dad, Dante, is a half demon because our grandmother was a human. 

Vali: Our grandfather made the Rebellion and the Yamato himself. He not only used the Yamato to cut through dimensions, but also used it to seal the Demon World off from this one. 

Dean: He passed the Rebellion to our dad and he did the same to our uncle Vergil with the Yamato. But I'm confused how you're currently wielding them.

Y/N: What do you mean? 

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