Mission launch 2

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At mafia mansion

Mr jeon-plz daek give my duffer a chance again (caught his hands)
Daek-(sad smile) I think u should also accept the truth uncle. I won't be in his life neither he will
Mr jeon-I think he is changing (daek wided his eyes) yes he changed alot(chuckle) the day u left this home he is wasting his time full in his room . He is not concentrating on his work either. U no wat happened before?

   Mr Jeon is sitting in hall n reading but soon something caught his attention. His sons both r talking loud more like arguing . He got from his place n stood outside the room n started to listen to their conversation. Jungguk is scolding jungkook for not understanding his feelings.

Jungguk - u idoit morethan that what he will do? Listen from start I know daek has feeling to u....
Jungkook - if he really have he should be with me now.....ouchh Hyung (whine)
Jungguk - u first realise what ur doing? Do u really like him? Listen I am asking for last time r else I won't b helping u with ur feelings
Jungkook -(sigh) I don't feel myself when he is not around me
Jungguk - well that's it
Jungkook - but..
Jungguk - shut up!!!
Mr jeon-hahahaa wow two dangerous mafias talking ABT love?
Jungkook - abb dad ... Hyung ....
Jungguk - he already know it!
Jungkook -(embarassed) oh okay!!
Mr jeon-listen though u both r mafia doesn't mean u should not love. It's every human birthright to love . So kookie don't be embarassed
Jungguk - this idoit is not ready to accept that he love daek dad. U better tell him
Mr jeon-son love is such a beautiful thing which can change our lives. U should be at a position to protect ur love n care .(sad smile) though u love them uncountably u can't sometimes be with them once u lose ur chance. Jungkook do something before it's too late .
Jungkook - but dad this love is so confusing
Mr jeon-(smile) no love is beautiful. U no what is the beauty of love? .love keeps the needs of the person before urs. U will always try to find ways in order to be ur love happy. Whatever they ask u will try to give ur best. Even though it may cause u damage u will proceed for that. (both brothers r listening to their father telling about love n those kept ringing in thier minds)
Jungkook - I think I just try my best to gain his love . I will try dad
Jungguk - thankgod u realised now. Go get ready daek will b coming now (pushed kookie out) this man(sigh)
Mr jeon-what ABT ur love gguk? I heard ur in love with someone?
Jungguk - idk dad. It's just he is my fuck buddy . But I wanted him to be our queen
Mr jeon- listen gguk being mafia queen is dangerous than being mafia king. That person should b strong n ur love should be incredible. Moreover except u n Mafia world he /she shouldn't have any other thoughts. U no mrs kim is so sensitive n that's one of the reason I left her . And mafia queen shouldn't have any family background (said everything in a serious tone n went away)


Daek-u .. u mean really....(tears started to flow from his eyes)
Mr jeon-don't give him chance easily but don't neglect him though. I have full confidence if anyone can change kookie that's u only(small smile) well I will go out for a small walk u carry on with boys

Mr Jeon left the room after saying daek is confident about his love. He always wanted love from his childhood. Slowly the door got opened n daek looked at that direction. Kookie gave a bunny smile to him making his heart run on a marathon. He came forward n stood infront of him .

Kookie- shall v .mmm have ...
Daek-shall v have what?
Kookie-dat..... I mean
Daek-(caught kookie hand) tell me don't b nervous. It's comedy to see u nervous.(laugh)
Kookie- (sigh) look daek this is my first time doing something like this but I wanted to do this. Let's go on a date n try our relationship. I know u like me n I also like u. I realised it but it will be completely ur wish whether to marry me r no . So why don't we date n figure it out slowly
Daek-(his body started to burn n turned pink due to sudden confession.) Hmm (no words left his mouth n he hanged his head to hide his pink cheecks)
Kookie-so it's yes ?(raised his head with his finger) shall v? Try to work out this relationship?
Daek-hmm yes(looked into kookie eyes where he found true love n desparation. He smiled knowing his kookie really wanted him)
Kookie-and I promise u won't b regretting (I really love u daek . I wanted to change myself for u)
Daek-(I want u kookie. But u should change ) don't worry I can help u . I know u wanted to change urself. I will b there for u
Kookie-(hugged him immediately n hide himself in his neck) plzz help me . After the day u went away I am hating myself (tears rolled down)
Daek-everything will b alright (patted his back)
Gguk- so love birds shall v have breakfast?

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