Picnic time!!

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Jk-bear plz where r u??
Joon- I will check rooms .u go to terrace
Jk- yes terrace I didn't see(ran up) bear? (The scene infront of eyes just broke my eyes) bear plz get down
V-(I am in my thoughts but jk voice interrupted.i wiped my tears and turned around slowly) jk plz save me(crying) I can't do it (closing his ears)
Jk-(slowly walking towards v) it's okay.we will sit and talk bear. U no that I love you I can't live without you.plz understand
V-but jk I am not able to live .I can't live without you.u don't know how much I love you.i can give you anything for u .I don't know why I love you that much but by being with you I can't make it hard for u also
Jk-(tears started to roll by his words)bear plz come to me I am sacred plz(opened his arms)
V-(shooking his head ) I can't jk.plzz let me go
Jk-(wiping tears harshly) let me also join then
Joon-v baby? Bunny what r u doing .get down both of u(panicked seeing jk and v standing on edge) my babies plzz(crying)
V- jk ..jk watch out u will fall .hyung plz take jk with u an dgo from here
Jk-hyung don't move I swear (joon stopped helplessly) u bother now .I will also die (coming towards v)
V-jk plzz baby plzzz(started to walk towards jk)
Jk- we will sit and talk .get down.(his leg just slipped v opened his eyes wide seeing jk and speed towards him and pushed him down)
Joon-(my heart stopped to beat when I saw jk's leg slipping and v reacted so fast which made both to fall on land) u both okay?
V-(blood bleading from his head as his head hit the land) jk? U okay?(checking on him) ur hurt anywhere
Jk- ahhh no (hugged v) don't dare to again fo such act .
V-(stopped his tracks and hugged jk) I am sacred that something might happen to u
Joon-u both gone crazy? (Anger) u don't know how I felt seeing u both like that .now getup and come down I will do first aid(left by wiping his tears)
Jk-(cupped his face) I am so sorry that my love didn't give u assurance
V-no jk it's just I don't want you to be the husband of stripper. I don't know with  how many  I slept.i am not pure to get ur love jk
Jk-I really don't bother bear. I really love you and I know my bear is strong .u just need to be with me . our love is enough for us to stay forever (kissed his forehead) promise me u again won't think
V-hmm I promise (saw blood on jk hand) ur hand let's go u need to apply medicine
Jk-then what about urs?(took his handkerchief and wiped blood and went to thier room)
Kai- both of u sit quietly (Stern)
Suga- v baby come to me(v nodded his head and went to Suga and he applied medicine)
Jk- Kai hyung?
Kai- hmm(coldly)
Jk-I am sorry (hang his head down)
Suga-u don't have to be bunny
V- yes it's all my fault but I promise I won't make u all worried next time
Joon-(closed door) u both better keep in mind that u are our everything (jk eyes turned shiny due to tears)
Suga- bear go and refresh.i gave u sleeping pill .it will help u relax okay?
V-hmm(left to NamJin room to sleep)
Kai-u idoit what u did ? What if something happens (banged the cupboard in frustration)
Joon- bunny what about v? He told anything?
Jk-(shooked his head) he is still confused hyung .I am sacred to death when I saw him like that.his tears are enough to show how much pain he is going through.i really love him hyung and today I understood I can't live without him(crying)
Suga-(hugged jk) it's okay everything will be fine.
Joon-but what is making him think like that?
Jk-(he is guilty because he is stripper hyung) I don't know
Kai-I think we shouldn't tell this to them and I will ask hobi indirectly anything related to medicine
Suga-that will best and bunny stop crying u punk (trying to light up the mood)
Joon-(understood what Suga is doing) yaah hyung ur shirt(laughing)
Suga-(whining) yaah u bunny face donkey leave me
Kai-no bunny stick to him more(teasing Suga)
Jk-(got diverted by them as if parents divert their children to stop crying by showing chocolates) hahaha u cat human I won't leave .(hugged tight)
Suga-(felt happy as they got successed In thier plan) yaahhhhh u 3(fake angry)
Finally consoled thier bunny and asked him to take rest along with v . meanwhile all the remaining bottoms are hella confused and suspicious about their husbands and tried to get information as much as possible but tops being tops didn't allow bottoms to succeed their plans by distracting them and Kai suggested to take shifts to look after v jk who are sleeping peacefully and remaining both will handle bottoms and like this time skip to evening and all went to Lake view at 5 which is little near to thier mansion and arranged all tents and sat on grass with thier partners.soon it's 6.30 so all bottoms are cooking food for them and tops are looking at the view and discussing about something which is going to bring Strom soon
Kai- aishhh u punks u just married few weeks ago but me(sigh)
Jk- well that's true though(bunny smile)
Joon-(I feel so relieved now ) yeah that too hobi. U know his mood swings.they literally swing all the time
Suga-I think u have great experience
Kai- only he can understand my problem.
Joon-u know hyung he literally spoke something for which I am not even responsible.
Jk-u mean ur talking about morn?(laugh) haa cat human u really missed it
Kai-one side hobi scolding,one side jin crying and another joon not understanding to whom to react
Joon-and another side u both putting fire to hobi
Suga-yaahhhh I really missed
Kai-(hit him by pillow) why r u shouting? U want them to hear?
Joon-I have no problem with v and Jimin but jin and hobi....(heavy sigh)
Kai-hobi is really scary!!!
Jk-u think my bear is innocent? No!!!! He is really tiger when he is angry.
Suga - really and Jimin aishhh what can I even say to him? He is hella cute when he is angry.he used to raise his legs to look into my eyes(laugh) but he is also not innocent
Jk - my bear hyung he used to act innocent but he is savage. He is so tiny infront of me but still he is tiger who is a cat when I am close to him. He literally irritates me when he is mad.
Joon- there is nothing to say about jin.u already know about him. He is will be always ready to fight with me whenever there is opportunity.
Kai- that's true.
They spoke about bottoms for another 2 min I mean they are whispering but what they don't know is bottoms heard everything from start. Actually Kai  bought his walki talkis  there also as a usual habit. And when hobi went to make dinner he  bought one of it instead of his phone and u can guess what might happen.that is all bottoms are laughing and teasing eachother as their respective husbands spoke and now all are burning in fake anger and thought of teaching a lesson to thier tops.
Hobi- misters pack ur bags and go far from us
Jin- and food? Better cook urselves
Jimin-and sleeping? Outside the tent today
V-u have only 2 min leftover (warning)
Kai -(stood up) what happened to u all?
Joon-what is about ur talking about
Suga-(saw the walki talki in hobi hand and gulped) bunny they heard us
Jk-(saw the walki talki) hyung?(calling joon)
Joon- u wait bunny! Can u all explain me !!
Jin-mr rude ass u don't speak
Kai-what do u mean by that? Baby?(went near hobi but hobi pulled his ears) ahhhh baby what r u doing
Suga-(pulled back joon who is going to stop hobi ) ur eyes not working? Can't u see ur husband.
Joon-(saw jin with his pink pan ) but what we did
Kai-u punks come and help me
Jk-hyung we don't want to be like u .v baby believe me I didn't.....(dashi run run)
V- u bunny face human wait for me .I will show what irritation means!!!!(running behind jk)
Jimin-(tapped Suga shoulder and glared him) mr cat human what is that ur talking about?
Suga - ahh abbb jiminaa....
Joon-what happened to u all ? (So done by seeing kaihope and v-jk)
Jimin-so u guys don't know what u have done?
Joon-(pissed) what we did? We are just.....(realised and gulped seeing jin)abb jin I .... We...
Suga-baby?(started to move backwards as he saw jimin coming towards him)
Jin- u better stop there r else I don't know what I will do(warned joon but Joon being meessy ran before jin complete and both are chasing eachother)
Kai- baby I am so sorry.i won't do again(jumping like kangaroo as hobi is hitting him with stick ) ouuchhhh (started to run)
All bottoms are running behind thier tops and laughing together forgetting all the miseries and problems and after 15 min they all sat around fire talking and teasing eachother. Tops danced together around the fire for their bottoms.

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