V with sehun?

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At office
Zhang1- we are so happy to work with u now only
Joon-it's our pleasure. Anyhow we also have our next project coming soon after this
Zhang 2- why don't we start two projects at a time?
Suga- no first we would like to complete this project and announce officially and start it
Jk-why are you so eager to start that project?
Joon-(whisper) bunny why are u so rude?
Jk-there is nothing like that hyung
Suga-dont get him wrong.shall we start?
Zhang 2- (why I feel this man (jk) is so angry with us. Doesn't he like us collaborating with them? I need to find)yeah and hyung why don't we arrange a party and conference to media
Jk- there will be no need of that mr zhang(fake smile)
Joon-ahhh abbb why don't we plan after 2 days?
Zhang1- that will be okay with us
Suga- let's go to meeting then
Zhang2- I need to talk with mr jk
Jk- hyung tell him I am not interested (left)
Zhang1- what's with that?
Joon- mr Zhang he seems to be bad mood why don't we go to meeting.
Zhang2-(smriked) let's go
Suga - I will be back(signed joon to take them) jk?
Jk- hyung?
Suga-what happened to u?
Jk- nothing I am just...
Suga - don't forget they are our partners
Jk-(they are perverts ) ok (sigh) I won't come for meeting v baby?
V-what happened to u? Why are u dull?
Jk-(anger) why u came here? Who asked u to come?
V-(confused) what do u mean by that? I said I will come for lunch didn't I?
Suga- bunny!!! Don't shout. V bear look after ur husband something happened to his bunny's brain
V-(laugh) okay hyung. Hyung mochi is waiting for u in ur cabin
Suga-okay I will go to him(left)
V-(poker face) explain?
Jk- bear I am just in a bad mood
V- why so?(came close to him)
Jk- I don't want u to come to office
V-why so?(hugged his neck) what happened baby?
Jk-(pulled him close ) leave that . Let's go for a holiday trip
V-(what r u hiding? .it's okay v for now listen to him) okay.come let's have lunch
Jk-(bite v lips) I have a hot meal here no need of lunch
V- (kissed on his cheeck) nothing doing mr bunny(sat on couch)
U eat fast I bought banana milk shake also
Jk-really?(excited) u did ?
V-yess(gave him) yaah u bunny first eat lunch
Jk-I love banana milk shake bear
Let me complete it
V- baby?
V-let's go to hospital for mihaa .she shouldn't be at jail in this condition
Jk-I didn't tell hyungs still
V-let's say to Kai hyung then
Jk - he will tell them but I will only say(hang his  head down)
V- don't worry everything will be alright.eat fast I should take lunch for joon hyung also
Jk- jin hyung didn't come?(v shooked his head) is hyung okay?
V-he seems like but he is not. He love joon Hyung so much but he didn't want hyung to know about him
Jk-they still didn't tell them?(hugged v)
V-(hugged back) no
Jk-I have a plan this can make both hyungs close.
V-what is that?
Jk-(told his plan)

At mansion
Jin- let me take pics of me in this house(took his phone) what's this message?
Message -
I know who u are. And what ur hiding from ur husband. In order not to disclose to ur lovely husband come to xxxx place at sharp 8.0clock
Jin-who might message this? How did they know? Let me search whose number is this(opened his pc and hacked the number) mafia number? I think I should call(called) hello?
Xxx- I asked u to come not to hack my number babyboy
Jin-(sacred) who are u?
Xxx-ur daddyy(manic laugh) ur at home?
Jin-(how did he know that? ) No I  am not
Xxx- then adjust ur shirt it's falling off ur shoulder
Jin-(adjusted his shirt and looked around the room) how can u see me?
Xxx-open ur door within 5min .u already got a punishment by lieing to ur daddy but if u open ur door late r call anyone and say about this u will see the real me
Jin-(crying) plz don't do this to me .who are u and what u want?
Xxx- don't cry babyboy u need to cry when I am fucking you and I want u under me right now(deep voice)
Jin-plzzz leave me
Xxx-ready urself with a sexy dress . I prefer black get ready(call end)
Jin-hello? Hello? What should I do now? Who is he?
Xxx- dad I am going to my baby
Woohan- okay my boy make sure u show him what this mafia can do . All the best sehun
Sehun-(manic laugh) jin baby wait for me(left)
Man1- boss next is jimin(shows his pic)
Woohan-so beautiful. Get him here and got details about jeons?
Man2- yes sir . Jeon jungguk new mafia king . He and his brother Jeon jungkook deals everything.this is the picture of jungguk(shows his picture) and boss we don't have any information about jungkook except his name
Man3- boss he always  puts on mask wherever he goes including in missions . No one saw his face and who saw are dead
Woohan- ohh seems like he will give us hard time . Try to get more information about this bastard and who still live there?
Man2- his father Mr Jeon
Woohan-ohh mr Jeon(smrik) and his twin son?
Man3- twin son? He has only two sons jungguk and jungkook
Woohan(laugh) that means his twin is Missing r hidden? I will find out . Leave. Mr Jeon where is ur twin son? Don't worry I will find him and kill infront of u only

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