Daek to leave the mansion

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Jin-hello jimin .(hug him)
Jimin- hyung ur back?(hug back) go and fresh I will get u something to eat
Jin-(dramatic sigh) my mochi is now responsible haaa? Where is that devil?
Jimin-he is taking rest.... Abbb hyung mr Kim Is dead(whisper)
Jimin- hyung they said Suga and joon hyung should not know . Low down ur voice
Jin-how ? I mean what actually happened?
Jimin-I have no clear idea. Ahhh hyung ur back?
Joon-yes mochi. Jin I will go to room(jin nodd)
Jin-I will go . (Left)
Jimin-I will prepare lunch. U take rest

At jk room
V-baby?(panick ) ur okay? Ur head(started to check on him)
Jk-(caught his hands) I am fine . Bear I am fine
V-(hug) I saw ...
Jk-shhhhhhh(I should talk to hobi Hyung) I am here only.
V-mr Kim?
Jk-let's go to hospital but bear I am not gonna take you if u panick and I want you to report against zhang
V-but jk
Jk- I know but he will again come here. He will be behind hyungs also. I want you to take a step forward
V-u tell me what shall I do?
Jk- just report  against him . I will take care of everything
V- hmmm(I can't risk this family lives) I am hungry(pout and hug him)
Jk-(kiss his pout) u just had ur breakfast
V-I don't know I am hungry. I want ... I want ...I don't know what I want
Jk-let's have chocolates . I got them as gift from my friend
V- ur friend?
Jk-yeah she is my childhood friend
V- she? SHE???(hot jk with pillow) she gave u chocolates? Yaackkk I don't want them . I hate chocolates u know(hitting him continuously due to jeolousy)
Jk-(giggling) bear . Haa haaaahaa hahaha stop ...stop it. She is just my friend. Don't be jelly jelly.
V-jeolous? Who me? Dream on
I don't want anything shuuuu shuuu go away from me
Jk-bear u don't want chocolates also? They are so tasty u know. I really love them(teasing v) okay u don't want then I will share with mochi and I will eat urs also
V-shut up . Mine is mine only(hugged jk)
Jk- mine means?(wingling eyebrows)
V- everything mine is mine (psycho v activated) MINE(hug him) u know what I mean? Ur mine and ur chocolates also mine only
Jk-(kiss him) yes only urs. Come lets go(v came back to his senses and got slight headache) we need to go to hospital also. And to Kai hyung also
V-okay I will get ready.

NamJin room
Jin- u want anything?
Joon-i feel like... Something bad is going to happen
Jin-(did he listen our talks?) What ? What do u mean(worried)
Joon- I don't know jin (moving fast this side and that side) I don't feel anything is right.
Jin-(tensed due to Joon actions) joon plz. I am worried . Everything will be alright
Joon-no ur not understanding jin(caught his head) I feel something big is going to happen and my heart is feeling betrayed.
Jin-(betray?. I am the one who is hiding truth from Joon. ) Calm down I am getting tensed joon. Joon?
Joon-(laughing) oh jin look at ur face . Hahahaha haaaha ur so stupid to get worried.
Jin-what? This means prank???
Joon-yes hahhaha I just pranked you
Jin-(threw the pillow down ) u think it's joke joon? I am so tensed and worried about you but here ur in a mood to play with my feelings (turned around)
Joon- jin I didn't mean .. that . I am just pranking you. I am sorry (caught his hand) plz jin forgive me
Jin-u can't understand what I felt before .(hug him) don't ever do that   I feel okay when u prank on me but not on my feelings. I will be fine if we both fight like always but can't live with ur ignorance
Joon-i promise  I won't hurt you . Now smile... A little bit(kiss ) a little more
Jin-(all blushy blushy due to his husbands actions) I need to go(turned again but pinned against door)
Joon- give attention to me also (snuggled in his neck)
Jin-attention? All the time I am with you only
Joon-i want you more (started to kiss his neck and soon decorated with his hickey)
Jin-joon... Ahhhh (biting his lips so he moan loud) I need to go(shy) jimin is alone In kitchen
Joon- hmmm I will get ready .(kiss his forehead)
Jin(lowered his head due to his husband's stares) hmm

At office
Suga-good morning one and all. Thank you for coming here in a short notice.  So let's start our meeting
Investor- but Mr Kim where is ur bussiness partner and ur brothers?
Suga - actually jk has went to meet someone and Namjoon will be here soon. So why don't we start meeting till they arrive
Investor 2- ur partner? Zhang?
Suga- u will get to know after. David start
David- yes boss. (Started to give presentation and time skip )
Investor 4- this seems more beneficial to our country . I agree with this project
Investor 5- but we should get the approval of their partners first
Suga- let me make it clear. This project we are doing not only for company but also for country as xxxx told you and about the partners u don't have to worry...
Joon-excuse me gentleman. I am sorry for disturbancce. Hyung everyone accepted?
Suga- u clear everything (joon understood that Suga is angry)
Joon- abbb gentleman as per the presentation u have any problem?
Investor- that's the not problem. But when we invest we need to be careful about all the details about the compan
Suga- what do u mean?(cold steen voice)
Investor (smrik) why are you not announcing ur partnership publicly mr Kim? We understand ur company situation. Mr lees and Wang's were out of this project so this project should stop
David- that's our project and we almost completed the project
Investor- with our ur partner? I heard u signed agreement with someone. What about them?
Joon-that shouldn't be ur concern . We will soon announce everything clearly. Plz leave now
(All the board left) what hyung is everything going according to our plan?
Suga-still we didn't contact Her. I will go evening personally. Leave everything on me
Joon- hmm . We should do that project first(heavy sigh)
David- yes sir we still 15 Percent to complete . And it will take atleast one week to complete
Suga- what about implementing?
Joon-it may take another 3 days
Suga-no we need to complete as soon as possible

At mansion
Jin- who's call was that jk?
Jk-I heard a girl's voice hyung. She said she will meet me
Jimin-I think something is wrong . Why don't u call her here
Jk-abbb(looking at v)
V- I have no problem bunny
Jin - call her immediately
Jk-(hmmm who's that actually and why she wanted to meet me and that too something related to v) I will call her(went out)
Jin- v baby don't worry
Jimin - yes u got such a lovely husband and he will always be with you.
V-(hang his head down) but I can't be a good husband to him .
Jin- don't say like that . We know its our fate to be strippers and now also it our fate to be son in laws of this family
Jimin- really. Finally I got to say I have. Someone who love me not my body.
Jin-yeahh and what about zhang?
V-(sigh) he didn't go to jail. Before Kai hyung take him .he used his power andbcame out of it.
Jimin-so it will be a waste if u complaint also
V-yeah so we dropped it. but I really don't want to go to him. He is handsome I agree but still I don't want him
Jimin- we can understand v. Even now I hate myself for being stripper in past .
Jin- don't worry . Now everything will be alright. We still have...
V- 2 days
Jin-(I can see how v and jk are happy and Suga and jimin also moved to the next step . But this zhang won't leave v . I can't see him in problem. I need to do something) jk what she told?
Jk-she said she will be here within 10min . She is odd
V- what do u mean?
Jk-when I asked her to come to mansion. Her first request is she doesn't want u to be here. She wanted to meet me personally
Jimin-I said na something is off. We should handle this bitch
Jin-let's hide and observe everything
Jk- yeah even I told I am alone and she accepted
V- I just wanted to know who she is (gritted his teeth)
Time skip
Jin- I think she arrived (heard car sound) let's go to kitchen come(all bottoms got and went  inside)
Jk- ur here? Who are you and what u wanted to say about v?

At zhang mansion
Zhang1-u bitch it's hurting
Mrs zhang1- I am sorry(started to apply medicine) completed. I will get the food
Zhang1- just leave from here(pushed her out) ahhhhh v just wait for 2 days then I will fuck you to hell and beg me to stop(called someone) hello u got any info?
??-no sir
Zhang1-I am telling you I need to find him by tomorrow (call cut) v get ready to fuck us within 2 days.

At office
Suga- I will  go to her and ask about deal and u complete files and where is bunny?
Joon- he said he wanted leave Today
Suga-why so suddenly?
Joon-I think he wanted to spend time with v and be careful with ur anger. This is the 2nd step of our plan and now it can't be failed(smrik)
Suga-(smrik back) ofc it won't (came out of cabin) what did u think mr zhang u will just badmouth our husbands? Now see wat we will do to u.

At mafia mansion
Jungkook - haa his smile is so beautiful. How come I didn't observe it before?
Jungguk - because u always fight with him(whispered)
Jungkook - haaa(kept hand on heart) hyung what ru doing?
Jungguk- answer me
Jungkook - I think I asked the question
Jungguk - I think that question should be mine. Tell me what happened?
Jungkook - hyung daek is not talking with me(pout)
Jungguk - finally
Jungkook - hyungg (whine) he is not talking really this time . He didn't even look at me from morning
Jungguk -(came to serious mood) what happened?
Jungkook - he saw me doing it with Riya and I asked Riya go from there but he misunderstood and left . And now he is planning to move out also
Jungguk - isn't it strange? He is perhaps jeolous?
Jungkook - u also think that? I too but why is he jeolous? Does he live me ?
Mr jeon-(from room) sons come here
Jungguk yes dad
Mr jeon- u think I am fine now?
Jungkook - ofc
Mr jeon- u idoit look properly (eyeing towards daek) I am not well and daek should be here to take care of me . Isn't it?
Jungkook - abb yes yes
Daek- hyung uncle is totally fine. And now I am in research team and if u want I will appoint another nurse
Jungguk -(saw jungkook getting sad) but it will be nice if ur here
Daek-I am sorry hyung. I already wasted much time(seeing jungkook) but I don't want that to happen again(left the room)
Mr jeon-he really seem to leave .but I can't force him
Jungkook - yeah(whisper) I can't force him
Jungguk - daek remember u should always visit us. R else u know about jungkook he will kidnap you(teasing)
Daek- hyung I am going (left)
Jungguk - really he is behaving odd. Don't worry jungkook
Jungkook - hyung I feel sad (went to his room)

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