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Azula POV

I walk with my hut hand in hand with Tuk until I finally tell her to go play with her friends while I look for her brother. Immediately I find Neteyam dragging Aonung back to his family's hut conforming my theory. Neteyam looks furious and I can't help but think it's kind of hot.

Quickly I catch up to the pair grabbing Aonungs other arm as well. "What did you do to Lo'ak?" I question him and he hung his head low. Before I could tell at him again Neteyam answered, "He left my brother along in the ocean floor." My eyebrows scrunch in shock, "Are you stupid! The Akula lives there! This isn't a prank if he could end up dead!" Neteyam gives me a glance asking me what a Akula is, "giant killer sharks."

Neteyams alertness increases as he drags Aonung even quicker to his father. As I pace back and forth in front of the tent listening to the conversation I hear one thing that makes my anger increase. "We cannot send out any of our warriors until morning. The ocean floor is to dangerous at night." The chief says before I jump in, "that is exactly why someone should go look for him." The chief just shanks his head not budging on his opinion. "Fine I'll just go find him myself."

Before anyone can protest I call flare and I go straight to the ocean floor. Although it is a big area with my heightened senses it should be easy to find him. To my surprise I find Lo'ak on Payakan. The supposed killer Tulkin.

I quickly swoop down and call out to Lo'ak, "are you alright down there? Your family is worried sick and you are just chilling here?" Lo'ak suddenly stands up more alarmed, "well it's not like I could go anywhere. Come on, aren't you going to help me?" I laugh at him grabbing his arm pulling him onto flare.

"I'm impressed Lo'ak, you managed to befriend Payakan, the supposed killer Tulkin." I say repeating the same thing I thought mer seconds ago. "What? No you must be wrong. They are no killer." He says positively. "If you say so."

The rest of the way back to the village Lo'ak is surprisingly quiet. "Thank you for looking for me. Honestly you are starting to grow on me Azula. No wonder Neteyam, Tuk and mom like you so much. Especially Neteyam, he can never stop talking about you. It's annoying." I laugh at his statement, trying to cover up the butterfly feeling I have in my stomach.

We land on the dock and Lo'aks father pulls him into a hug immediately. Soon the whole family is there covering the boy with family love as I stand there awkwardly.

I can't help but be envious of the family. I would do anything to have my parents with me. I would do anything to get them back but i must not let my jealousy show because I cannot ruin the family's moment.

As if Neteyam and Neytiri sense my sadness they pull me into the family hug with them. Instead of the rest of the family getting stiffer around me they hug me like I am apart of them. It definitely helps my sadness slip away.

Once we all pull away the family sends me there gratitude for helping Lo'ak and the chief comes with Aonung.

I was confused when Lo'ak took the blame form Aonung even though it was completely his fault but my thoughts where cut short when a hand I so vividly remember grabs my shoulder, pulling me away from the crowd.

I face Neteyam who is staring at my lips, "Thank you Azula. Once again you help my family and I cannot repay you enough. You are just one of a kind. And- and I." Before he could say another word his lips smash onto mine and I am so consumed by the warmth he gives me. The way are lips mold together I actually let it happen.

Quickly I pull away from him once I regain my proper train of thought, "I'm sorry I just." Before I can finish my sentence I run away like the coward I am.

Why did I even pull away. I think I like Neteyam too but there is no way he actually likes me. Im me and he is well him. I couldn't take those emotions. I can't take those lovey emotions. It's easy with kids because they can change there's towards you in seconds but with anyone else, they stick.

I don't want anyone to be held down by me and I am the biggest anchor one of those human ships can have.

Neteyam POV

Shit. What did I do wrong? Does she not like me or maybe I'm a bad kisser. I'm which a skxawng.

I walk back to my hut with my head hung low. When I went into the hut almost immediately everyone noticed that I was sad. Considering they where all happy because Lo'ak was back. "What's wrong Neteyam?" Dad questioned me and I blushed tremendously. "Oh shit, it didn't go well did it?" He continues and I shake my head in embarrassment.

"Can one of you skxawng tell me what's going on?" Mom questioned and Lo'aks eyes go large and he begins to laugh, realizing what is wrong only to earn a slap in the head by dad. "Neteyam got rejected by Azula." Lo'ak says.

Moms eyes grow large, telling me to tell her exactly what happened, "I kissed her, and I thought it was going well, but two seconds later she pushed me away and ran off." I say looking back at the floor still embarrassed. I wasn't planning my first kiss to go like that

Mom sighs before explaining, "Azula can still like you. She probably just got overwhelmed. She lived in isolation for so long, she probably doesn't know how to react to those feelings. Go find her, talk to her. If things go bad then she doesn't like you and you have to move on." Surprisingly moms words brought me comfort. Giving me hope although I praying to eywa it isn't false hope.

"Okay I will go and find her."

I run out of our home and sprint to the place I now know by heart. Before entering I peak my head into the hut to find Azula lying directly on the floor face down causing me to laugh. I regret it straight away because now Azula knows I am here and she turns to me. I notice her puffy eyes and I can't help but want to comfort her but I know I caused that.

"Azula, I want to talk to you, is that alright?" She mumbles a small yes before I enter her hut lying next to her on the floor. "This position is surprisingly more comfortable then I imagined." I say causing her to giggle.

"I'm sorry Azula. I shouldn't of kissed you if you weren't ready." I say looking at her face and she finally looks back up at me, "Don't apologize to me, it's not your fault. I just tend to run away from all my problems." She says before trying to bang her head on the floor but I put my hand out to stop it, "You shouldn't do that." She replies with a small sorry and rests her head on my hand.

She looks at me once more before staring into my eyes, "Whenever I'm around you Neteyam I get these weird feelings and I don't know how to cope with them. They are so warm and bubbly. So different to what I'm used to." So mom was right, what am I kidding she is always right.

I look back at Azula and instead of before. I noticed her looking at my lips. She slowly leans in and kisses me. Fireworks erupt with in me and I am overjoyed with happiness. I smile into the kiss and I can tell Azula is as well.

I guess a good thing did come out of our family moving. Literally nothing can bring my spirit down bro. Azula and I then talked the whole night away.


Another chapter complete!!! And finally some romance which I so desperately wanted!! How do you all feel about this chapter?


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