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Azula POV

After what happened I couldn't stay there anymore. I didn't mean to almost kill Jake but it doesn't matter what I didn't mean to because I did it. How am I going to go back to normal again. Tuk will never forgive me and she is a ray of sunshine that I just need in my life and there is Neteyam. He is my friend. The first real friend I actually have. He looks past all my differences and sees me for me. But all that is changed now.

I lie in my hammock in self pity when I hear a knock at my door who i am guessing is Reya. She is probably telling me to get up and help her with lessons but I just can't face the Sullys yet.

"Go away Reya." I groan but I don't hear Reya instead one of the people I am dreading to see. "Uhm it's not Reya. It's actually me, Neteyam." He says in his deep voice. Help me eywa I don't think I survive past today.

"What do you want." I manage to huff out, lying on my face so he cannot see it. "I wanted to see if you were alright." He says softly before entering cautiously. "Well I'm alright, so you can go." I mumble, hoping he would turn around and leave. "I'm not talking about physically Azula. I mean mentally. I know what happened to you."

Oh my eywa. Of all things he had to bring up, it was my trama. Boo hoo, I had a bad life but that doesn't mean I should be hurting the people that my friends love. "There is no need to bring any of that up Neteyam. I'm fine, really. Your father is okay right?" This time I quickly glance into his eyes which are beaming back at me. "Yes he is all good but if you are really fine, then why aren't you teaching us?" He says before slowly walking over to me.

Before I am even warned, he flips my hammock around. I'm about to fall on the ground but then two large hands grip my waist. "I wouldn't let you fall princess." He  whispers in my ear. I feel my face heat up in redness. Before I grab Neteyams had pulling him out of the hut and towards the rest of the group.

"How did you know I lived there?" I question Neteyam. I needed to get out this feeling before I explode. "Tsireya told me." I nod my head slowly at the reply and we walk silently back to the group.

"Today we are going to learn what you guys call it as 'finger talk'. It's important thing to learn if you need to communicate in the water, which you will eventually have to know. Since Rotxo is not here one of the groups will be a group of two. Azula will have the group of two because well she is the best teacher and is honestly the best at it." Reya says to the group.

Reya obviously paired up with Lo'ak. Those two had being giving eachother lovey eyes every since he came. Maybe I should ask her about it? Anyways then Aonung paired with Kiri leaving me with Tuk and Neteyam, like usual.

As I begin teaching them the basics, I notice Tuk quieter then normal. "Are you alright Tuk? Are your friends treating you nicely?" I question her. But she just nods her head in rely, shuffling closer to Neteyam. Hurt flashes my eye and Neteyam caught it. As I look up at him, hoping for some sort of answer he just avoids my eye.

As I teach them more, I notice a ilu in the corner of my eye staring at us. I go over and pet it hoping it will solve all my troubles while the two practice the signs I taught them. I notice that everyone seemed to have left and it was only use three so I quickly turned to them, telling the two they can leave. Instead, Tuk came up to me and gave me a large hug. "I'm sorry Azula. I was just so scared when you got hurt yesterday and was fighting my dad. I couldn't take it." I watch as tears spring out of her eyes as I try to calm her down.

"Everyone is alright Tuk. There is nothing to worry about okay? You should go home and get some rest though." I sign to her and a grin spreads across her face. "I actually knew what you said." She signs before hopping of back to her family's hut.

As I continue to pet the ilu, Neteyam sits beside me. "You are a very good person Azula. Somehow everyone in my family likes you." He says which was clearly a lie. Lo'ak definitely doesn't trust me and his father does not like me because I almost killed him. Instead of fixing his statement I just laugh. "Do you ever wish you were back in the forest?" I ask him already knowing the answer. Of course he misses it, it's his home. "Yeah, I miss it."

We sit in silence and watch as the sun sets. Not in an awkward silence but a mutual one. Nobody daring to disturb the peace.

Soon Neteyam and I part ways. Both planning to meet up at dinner. I was going to apologize to Jake. Even if he stabbed me first. It's the nice thing to do.

As I walk to the Sullys table I fidget with my hands. Neytiri and Neteyam give me weird looks but I continue to walk up to Jake. All them seem to grow a little bit stiff, slightly scared of what will come next.

"Jake?" I say getting his attention. He turns to me and gives me a stubborn huff only to get an elbow in the ribs from Neytiri. "I'm sorry. I got carried away and I didn't mean to actually hurt you." I say looking down at group ashamed. Everyone around me looks at me. Not the cautious look but one of pity. Like if Jake didn't accept my apology, they would rip out his tongue.

Jake to looks shocked but now he speaks, his voice softer then normal, "I am sorry as well. I probably shouldn't of stabbed you first." A little laugh comes out of both of our mouths and am about to turn around to leave but he grabs my wrist.

"I see you." Jake says doing the hand movement to match. A small smile appears on my lips. Happiness spreads across my body. And I replicate what he did before walking away. A weight was lifted off my chest with that conversation and it boosted my mood tremendously, maybe Neteyam wasn't lying when he say his family liked him. I gave Neteyam one last glance and he caught my eye immediately. He gives me a small thumbs up and a cheeky smile. There is something about him that makes him so special.

The days coming after that event were repetitive to say the least. We had lessons with the Sullys. Normally I would get paired with Tuk and Neteyam but sometimes I would be with Kiri. We both have gotten closer as well. She feels the same sort of connection I have with nature. It's awesome knowing there is someone like me out there.

After lessons I would either talk to Neteyam or Kiri but sometimes I hang out with the kids, braising their hair or playing games with them.

That would lead me to dinner. I often would sit along but sometimes Tuk, Neteyam, Kiri, and even Neytiri comes to sit with me. Neytiri too I have become close with, I am slowly accepting her as the motherly figure she is so desperately wants to be towards me.

All in all I was happy. But happiness cannot last forever.


Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter then the rest but I thought this was a good note to leave off on!

The question of the chapter is..

What is your favourite food??

Mine has to be samosas!

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