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Azula POV

Today just feels magical. I feel like last night went really well and it definitely helped me sleep very well. I'm not even kidding. Know I know that getting in a small fight with someone helps me sleep better I might do it more often.

Reya, Aonung, Rotxo, and I are out in the water waiting for the Sullys to come join us but of course the two boys don't know when to keep there thoughts to themselves, "The are actually so weird. Like they have five fingers and their tails are so thin. What if they drown when they get in the water?" Aonung say before I slap him in the head, "Don't worry Azula. You are still the weirdest person here." Sometimes I just want to drown that annoying shit.

"Come on in guys!" Reya calls out to the four of them on the deck and we watch as they dive in. As we swim deeper in the water we notice that the Sullys cannot swim as fast and cannot hold their breath that long. We watch as they put their heads underwater to see where we are. Aonung signs to use why they stopped and they all look at me? Just because I only moved here five years ago doesn't mean I couldn't swim fast. I am actually the best swimmer here.

I swim to the top knowing that the Sullys are not used to swimming therefore there abilities are not the best. I watch as Tuk slightly struggles to kee treading water so I reach out to her and she grateful accept my offer as I pull her close to me keeping both of us afloat. "We are not as fast as you." Tuk pouts at me. "Don't worry one day you will be faster then everyone with my help." I say to her as I tickle her slightly causing her to giggle and put her head into my neck.

"We also don't know your finger talk." Neteyam added. "Don't worry Azula and I will help you all. She is a great teacher." Reya says and I roll my eyes. I'm only good at teaching little kids because they are easy to manipulate with a few tasty fruits.

"We should practice breathing first. Once you know how to lower your heart rate you can hold you breath from longer." Reya says in a matter of fact tone. We all swim up to the dock but Tuk grabs my hand. "Azula, you said you would show me that fun bouncy place. I can practice later, I promise." Tuk says and I just cannot say no to her cuteness, "Okay I'll take you but only if a little bit then we must practice immediately." She giggles grabbing my hand and we begin walking away until someone grabs my shoulder.

I grab their hand a twist it around and I hear a hiss of pain. I look to see who the culprit is and I find Neteyam staring at me in pain. I let go immediately once realizing it is him, "you should not sneak up on people like that." I say and he grumbles in rely, "my bad... and I'm not just letting you take my sister wherever you want. We are supposed to be at lessons remember?" He tells me like I am stupid. "Why don't we ask Tuk what she wants?"

Obviously she sided with me but Neteyam refused but once he saw the tears start to form in his sisters eyes he agreed but one one condition. He had to come along.

I take them along the beach as Tuk tells me stories about when her family were back home. They seemed oddly close to humans. Neteyam studed me carefully and I could tell he notice when my hands balled up whenever Tuk brought up humans or technology because he lightly brushed his hand along mine. For some reason whenever he did that I felt calm. Like I was staring at the ocean again.

Suddenly Tuk turns around look shy and stops moving. I kneel in front of her, "Tuk what's wrong?" I say and she glances over at her brother. She comes close and whispers in my ear, "I think your hair is really pretty. Do you think you can add shells and do mine like that?" My smile grows and Neteyam still stands there awkwardly watching us. I turn back and whisper into her ear my reply, "of course I will. I'll do it during dinner okay? But that means you have to look for the pretty shells you want in you hair."

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