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Third Person

The people at Metkayina village did not expect any new comers. Especially not Toruk Makto and his family but here they are.

The family of six comes flying on their ikran slightly alarming the villagers. When they land immediately others swarm them, inspecting them slowly considering they look a different from theirselves. They have darker skin, yellow eyes and a thinner tail.

The father of the family, Jake Sully, tries calming down the people, telling them that his family means no harm. All the Na'vi whispered among themselves until the chief of the village came, Tonowari.

The two leaders talk to eachother. Jake pleading for a place to keep his family safe and away from danger. Tonowari let's his mate Ronal make the finally command as she inspects the new comes. She notices their weakness and the fact that they had sky people blood hence why they have five fingers.

Tonowari allows them to stay but demands his daughter, Tsireya, and son, Aonung, teach the kids their ways but he also throws in another name. A girl who would not be so pleased with helping the Sullys. Who hates anything to do with the demon people as she called them.

Tonowari spoke again, "My children will be more then happy to help your children learn our ways along with Azula. She hopefully will make your transition from forest to sea easier considering she had to do it herself. If I am correct that is her. Clear the way." The people move out of the way slightly alarmed that Azula is back. Although she is only fifteen, she radiates this dangerous aura that others don't want to mess with.

Azula's POV

As I approach the village I notice five unknown ikran along with six unfamiliar faces. What I am guessing is that it is a family. A mother, father, two sons and two daughters. As I land my ikran and hop off, I notice a slight gasp come from the family. Before turning to face them I send my ikran, flare, away noticing how much space she takes up. She is a large ikran. One that only best true warriors can obtain or at least that's what others have told me.

As I face the family, their eyes trail down my body. Not in a inappropriate way, but one most people do when they first spot me. Their eyes trail down my teal skin with dark blue splotches but the older teen boy just stares into my one yellow one teal eye. He breaks eye contact first glancing at the ground realizing that is it rude to stare but not before slapping the other teen boy in the head so they both stare at Tonowari again.

As I walk towards Ronal to stand beside Reya, I hear the mother whisper my name. Her voice is one I haven't heard in a long time but is an unforgettable one. Visibly my body tenses up as I slowly turn around standing beside Reya. As she whispers in my ear, recapping what happened and how we are in charge of helping them.

I look and spot Neytiri's eyes burning through me. She takes one step towards me only for me to take another one back. It is not that I am scared of her, I am just scared of the feeling that I will have when I am around her. Neytiri makes me feel so many feelings that I wish I had as a child, that I have been deprived of for so long. She makes me feel loved and I hate it. The family takes notice to my actions and her mate puts his hand out preventing her to walk any closer to me. My sad expression turns cold and angry within seconds after noticing his hand. Five fingers demon blood. I look at the rest of the family and notice the same.

Why would Neytiri mate with one of them? I thought she hated sky people? Betrayal crossed my eyes as I glance at her but how betrayed to I have the right to feel. I only talked to her a handful of times.

Reya clears her voice noticing this awkward affair before continuing to speak, "Azula and I will take you to where you will be staying and after that you can settle in until the evening." By now the everyone lost interest in the newcomers and left leaving the family and us.

"Follow us." Reya says as she leads them happily to their living area. Making sure on their way to point out everything that seems even the slightest importance that they might need to know while living here. I only stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

Do you think that act and thing like humans? Do they use those weird machines and drive around in flying planes, using guns? All these thoughts fly through my mind not before I shake them out. Neytiri would never mate with one of those people would she? When I first met her she was pregnant, so she must of liked this Jake Sully to provide like a billion kids for him. Me personally I could never.

I glanced behind me, noticing the youngest girl slightly farther behind from her family as she jumps on the path laughing. I stop walking and watch as the family gives me a glance along with Reya but they continue to walk onwards leaving me with the young girl. I kneel down in front of her so she is now taller then me.

"What's your name?" I asked her. "Tuktirey but everyone just calls me Tuk!" She says happily bring a small smile on my face. "I know these pathways are pretty fun to jump on trust me, when I first came here I did the exact same this as you but, you should catch up to your family. Tomorrow when we begin our lessons, I will show you the funniest things you can do here. Okay?" I say booping her on her noise as she giggles. She quickly runs up to Neytiri with her giggling cheeky smile and hugging her waist. Neytiri glances back at me and notices the slight smile on my face giving me one in return as I slowly catch up with the group.

Although she was not the only one who caught my smile, I notice the eldest boy looking at me once more before turning away. He looked rather embarrassed for being caught staring at me considering his cheeks are slightly pink, or at least I think he is embarrassed.

If the rest of Neytiri's children are like Tuk maybe they aren't as bad as I think but I cannot get my hopes up this soon.

Reya bids them fair well, telling them meet them at the dinning area to eat in two hours and I says the first words I have spoke to them at all. "When you are there make a good impression. First impressions matter, so don't mess it up." I say and Reya slightly nudges me before stopping immediately when I glare at her. I send one last smile to Tuk before turning around with her and leaving.

"They seem nice don't they?" Reya says to me happily. I roll my eyes replying to her, "You are only saying that because you and that boy keep make-out staring." I say before pretending this kiss her as she pushes me away from her blushingly while I laugh. I glance back once more at the Sullys new home and catch the same yellow eyes staring at me once more. He looks like he is almost trying to figure me out? This time I am the first to break eye contact because Reya calls my name.

"Don't act like I don't see that dried up blood on ur face and your figure tips. I bet thé Sullys think you are a psycho. Clean yourself before dinner." She says to me with a sigh handing me a cloth not before muttering, 'she really should stop with these reckless missions.'

For now all I need to do is have a warm bath and clear my thoughts. To much happened today.



Hope you all enjoyed it, if you have any ideas or scene you might want added tell me in the comments pleasee. Also this is going to be the only chapter written like this so don't worry if u don't like it.

Anyways question of the chapter isss...

If you had to kill of one of the protagonist in the movie who would it be?

Personal I would kill Spider with not hesitation🥰

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