Making Amends

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"Nat?" Emma breathes in disbelief at the sight of her friend on the platform with Steve.

"I told you I'd see you in a minute didn't I?" Natasha asks as she deactivates her suit at the same time as Steve does.

Emma slowly walks up to Nat, and sensing her hesitancy, Steve tells her, "It's really her, Em. It's okay."

"Well in that case," Emma says before wrapping Nat in the bearhug to end bearhugs.

"So you missed me?" Natasha asks as Emma nearly strangles her with affection. Emma simply nods in response, unable to form words because of the many emotions circling through her brain. "Steve told me everything before I went on and helped him put back the other stones. Pretty bold move on your part in that final battle huh?"

Emma laughs sheepishly before saying, "I did what I felt needed to be done." She pauses and finally releases Natasha from her embrace, turning to Steve and asking, "So what did you do to get her back? Didn't Clint say what happened was permanent?"

"Let's just say that I have my ways and I met some people along the way who were very helpful in my mission. Don't worry about it," Steve tells her as he picks her up in his arms and twirls her around in the air. He puts her engagement ring back on her finger and kisses her before saying, "All that matters now is that we're all back together again."

"Hear, hear," Emma nods with a smile. She looks over to Natasha and thinks out loud, "Well I'm glad I haven't really had time to type up a mission debriefing so now I don't have to tell the world she's gone..."

Natasha finishes up with her reunion with Bruce and Sam before turning back to Emma, saying, "All that time travel got the best of me, how's about one of your famous breakfasts?"

"Oh don't forget that I'm here too," Sam warns her as he gives her another hug.

"Fine, fine, the both of you! Steve and I are super hungry, let's go," she says as she jokingly waves her hands at them with a smile.

"On it!" Sam and Emma shout in unison.

Before the pair can run off though, Steve calls out, "Hey Sam, can I talk with you for a sec?"

Sam nods and heads over to where Steve is standing, calling out to Emma, "Don't you get started without me, Baker!"

"Wouldn't dream of it," Emma calls as she heads back to the cabin along with Bruce, Natasha, and Bucky.

"What's up, Cap?" Sam asks Steve.

"So I've been doing some thinking lately ever since we started to get everyone back and uh... I've decided to retire as Captain America. I've held the title long enough and I think it's time for a simple life."

Sam smiles and pats Steve on the back, saying, "I'm happy for you, finally getting out after all these years." He then pauses and furrows his eyebrows, asking, "But what does this have to do with me?"

"Well throughout the years you've proven yourself time and time again to be a good leader and a great man, so I would be honored if you wanted to take the mantle of Captain America from me." Sam opens his mouth to try and protest, knowing how the world would perceive him with the title, but before he can say anything, Steve chuckles and adds, "Come on Sam you can't say no, I took this shield from myself just so I could give it to you."

Sam chuckles and takes the shield from Steve's outstretched hand, saying, "I'll think about it..."

Steve smiles and tells him, "Well if it's any help you look damn good with that shield."

Sam laughs and jokes, "Oh I know I look good, but it's just what other people will say about it is the thing."

"Well we can cross that bridge when we get there, but if anyone has a problem they can have a word with me, got it?"

Captain America: Professional Best FriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin