Decisions, Decisions...

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On the way back home, there is relative silence. No one speaks because they're all just trying to process what they saw. As Emma is tapping away at her laptop trying to get a report done before they get back, Wanda wanders up to her. She sits beside Emma on the bench and asks quietly, " there any way we just...don't send the footage to the media?"

Emma sighs and shakes her head, taking a break from her typing, "Unfortunately no. Sam and I aren't the only ones who got footage of that today. A report has to go out, but I'm trying my hardest to make sure everyone knows it wasn't your fault."

"But it was my fault, I couldn't contain the blast," Wanda replies despondently.

"Well even then, if you hadn't stepped in we would be down a man and many many more people would have died. So here I am being the one to say thank you, Wanda." She makes a quick glance up to Steve who is piloting the jet and adds, "And thank you for saving Steve."

Wanda tries a small smile as she says, "I'll always have my team's back."

"Good," Emma replies. "And hey, look on the bright side of things, the ending may not have been the best, but while we were there, we did a helluva lot of good."

When the team gets back to the compound, Emma heads to her room to shower and take another look over the footage. She plays the news report on the TV as she showers and mutters to herself, "Of course they're only talking about the explosion. Of course they aren't focusing on how we saved that bio-weapon from being unleashed on the world. I don't see them publishing footage of Wanda taking all that gas out of the building and saving everyone inside's life..."

Freshly clean and pissed off, Emma sits down at her desk and opens her laptop. She takes snippets of the footage from the day, of all the good things they did, and edits them together into one video. Emma then goes to her recording feature and makes a voiceover for the video.

She takes a deep breath and starts her speech, "Hello everyone. My name is Emma Baker and many of you may know me as the Avengers Reporter. Today as you all know, a small group of the Avengers, including myself, went to Lagos, Nigeria on a mission. That mission's goal was to take down former SHIELD agent and STRIKE leader, Brock Rumlow AKA Crossbones. And we were successful. The footage you're seeing is footage I personally recorded of the mission. Here you get to see what the news isn't covering. Today Wanda Maximoff saved dozens of lives from noxious gas in this building. Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson saved what could have been millions of lives from a bio-weapon being unleashed on the world. Captain Steve Rogers made sure that all of this went down as smoothly as possible. No one could have known that Rumlow was going to detonate a suicide vest, and we are very thankful that Wanda was there because without her. Captain Rogers would no longer be with us. Same with dozens of people in that crowded market. As a team, we did what we could with the resources and time we were given and as you can see, we did a ton of good that the news simply is not going to show you. Thank you for watching."

Emma hovers her finger over the upload button for a second before clicking it. There had to be a way to make things right...

A few minutes later Emma makes her way to the kitchen to start something for dinner for everyone because what they all needed was comfort food in the midst of what happened in Lagos. As she cooks, Emma keeps checking her phone.

From across the kitchen, Maria notices and asks, "Why do you keep checking your phone? I know you aren't checking a recipe, you know this one by heart."

Emma scrunches her eyebrows in confusion before putting her phone down. "It's just...I published something to put on the Avengers blog about the mission today and it hasn't gotten any views."

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