Welcome to STRIKE

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One evening after a day that seemed to drag on forever, Steve comes over to Emma's apartment. She's playing music and dancing while she cooks dinner for the two of them, both enjoying the other's company. The playlist she has on is mainly Disney music because that evening, Emma is planning on having Steve watch a bunch of Disney movies with her. While Emma waits for the sandwiches to brown on her grill pan, the chorus for a song comes on and she starts singing along quietly.

In the middle of her singing, Emma calls, "Come on Steve, which one is this from?"

While Steve racks his brain, Emma acts out the scene the best she can as she sings. Steve smiles and finally shouts, "The Little Mermaid!"

"You got it," Emma replies with a giggle.

"You know, you have a really nice singing voice, Em. Have you ever considered doing those musicals you love so much?"

"When I was about fifteen I used to daydream about being up on that stage in front of hundreds of people performing my heart out, but...then I told myself to be realistic. So that's when I got serious about writing."

"Oh come on, you can't let talent like that go to waste. That would be like me not being Captain America and using the abilities I've been given for good."

Emma gives him a look and says with a smirk, "Like you have been the last few months?"

"That's different, Em. I'm technically on the run from the Council. Just... a very relaxed run where I go to Coney Island and watch Disney movies with you. More like a jog really."

As Emma laughs at the comment, the front door to her apartment swings open, "Well you won't be for much longer, Captain."

Emma clutches her chest at the sudden appearance of Director Fury and Maria who holds up her spare key to Emma's place with a smirk. Steve sits up on the couch he had been lounging on and asks, "And what may you mean by that, Director?"

"We need you, Rogers. SHIELD is reforming a team of very skilled tactical agents called STRIKE and we think you would be a great addition. Agent Romanoff recommended you."

"Do I really have a choice?" Steve asks.

"Not really," Hill informs him. "SHIELD wants you back in the game, Captain Rogers, and you'll find that it's hard to say no to SHIELD."

When Hill finishes her sentence, Fury turns to Emma and says, "We'll need you too, Baker. All the STRIKE missions will need to be monitored and documented, and that's where you come in."

"Yes sir, whatever you need, I'm there. Where's the team located?"

"DC," he replies. "The agency will be able to set you both up with apartments there while the work is being done. We just don't know how long the stint there will last."

Emma's face falls a bit hearing that she will have to leave her apartment in Brooklyn. Maria notices so she says, "So you don't have to lose this place, you could rent it to a temporary tenant while you're down there. This is prime real estate, I'm sure you could find someone quickly."

Emma nods and looks over to the sandwiches on the grill and goes to flip them while Fury and Hill continue telling Steve about the details of the task force. She cuts the sandwiches in triangles and puts them all on one plate, bringing them into the living area where the other three are speaking. As she places them onto the table, she apologizes, "I'm sorry, if I knew there would be more than just us I would have made more, but help yourselves, everyone."

Maria reaches for a triangle and Fury shakes his head, "I can't eat it if it's in the shape of a triangle."

Emma tilts her head a bit in confusion and laughs a bit, "Well if you want I can make another and not cut it like that, Director."

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