The Attack

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The next year goes by...well...normally. Sam, Steve, Emma, and Natasha continue on a strict training schedule to keep up their health and combat skills while Emma balances a second life as Emily Walters in town as a writer, babysitter, cleaner, you name it, she did it. All was well until one fateful afternoon.

On this particular afternoon, Emma is in town cleaning a house for a sweet older couple. She had been there since morning and planned on leaving earlier, but the couple insisted on making Emma lunch as a thank you. In the middle of eating, Emma is telling the couple a made-up story about her childhood to keep her cover up when her phone starts to ring.

She looks at the caller ID on the screen and excuses herself from the table to take the call. When she gets to the hall, she doesn't even have time to say hello to Steve before he says to her, "Emma, we need you home right now. There's an emergency."

Emma's mind races trying to think of what could be going on so she asks, "Steve, what's going on?"

"I'll explain when you get here. Please, hurry up and get back," he tells her.

Emma can hear Sam and Nat rushing around in the background and is about to ask for at least a little detail, but decides against it and simply tells him, "Okay, I'll be there as fast as I can."

Emma makes her way back into the dining area and the woman can tell she is stressed, so she asks, "Emily, what's wrong dear?"

"I...I don't know..." she whispers while grabbing her purse off the back of her chair. "My boyfriend just called saying there's an emergency back home, I should get going, I'm so sorry to leave so abruptly."

"Oh okay, dear. Well here's your payment for today, thank you again, the house looks wonderful!"

Emma smiles and takes the cash from her, saying, "It was nice seeing the two of you!" With that, she gets into the truck and drives as fast as she can back to the lodge. When she arrives, she sees Natasha, Sam, and Steve all suited up like they were heading into a fight. "Steve, hun, what's going on?"

Steve hands Emma her AI supplies and tells her, "Banner called from that burner I sent Tony. There's a major problem in New York. Tony's been taken off into space and a very bad group of aliens is after Vision. We need to get to him and Wanda now."

Emma hasn't  seen Steve this serious in a long time, so she just nods and follows him onto the jet where Nat and Sam are getting ready to go. Steve prepares the jet for takeoff quickly as Natasha hands Emma a thigh holster and a pistol to put on once they get to their destination.

When they get in the air, Emma asks out loud, "What are we up against here?"

"Remember the battle in New York right after we first met?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, with all those crazy aliens and Loki?" Emma asks.

Steve nods and says, "The guy who orchestrated that is after the mind stone, well all of these things called Infinity Stones actually, but we need to make sure to protect this one. Banner said he even scared the Hulk into hiding so he means business..." Emma can sense the tension in the air, so she just nods in response, not asking anything more. When Steve goes into Captain mode, it's best to just follow orders so the mission goes smoothly.

While on the way to the last known location of Wanda and Vision, Natasha works on finding their exact location and Emma keeps an eye on what happened in New York to see what they are up against. "Oh God," she whispers to herself, seeing all the damage the two creatures did in the city. Sam peers over her shoulder to see the footage and sighs, running a hand over his head, trying to prepare himself for what will probably be the fight of his life after all this time.

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