Ready to Run

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One morning in mid-January, Emma wakes up to a knock at her bedroom door. She stands up and opens the door to see Wanda. "Hey Wanda," she says groggily.

"Did you get the note?"

Emma crinkles her eyebrows and asks, "What note?"

"That one," Wanda tells her, pointing at the note on the floor, previously unnoticed. Emma picks up the paper and reads it aloud.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be the ultimate test of the skills you have learned over the past few months. You and Wanda have been tasked with attempting to elude us for the next five days. Steve, Sam, Vision, and I will be the ones seeking you out and have left the compound so you can get a plan ready. You may take your tech with you if you so choose, and Wanda is allowed to use her powers. Take what you need from your room, but you are not to take any extra tech from the compound. Pretend that you are on the lam. Your only bounds are to stay in the state. You have until the end of the day to flee. If you arrive at the compound before we catch you or the time runs out, you will have succeeded. Good luck.

Emma thinks for a second then looks up at Wanda and says, "Well I guess we're on the lam now. How hard can it be though? We have all of New York state to hide in."

"We have to be careful though because they have Vis with them. He has the ability to access almost every bit of tech in the world, so we need to stay off the grid," Wanda tells her.

Emma nods as she grabs a duffle bag to put a few essentials in, "And Nat is great with stuff like that too." She pauses while she thinks about what to do, settling on, "So going into the big city should be out of the question, but I can't help but thinking it's so unexpected that we should do it. I can hear Sam asking why we would be so dumb to go there so they might not even think to check for a day or so. If we can pull it off, imagine how impressed they would be with us."

Wanda laughs and says, "As much as I would love to impress them, I would rather play it safe. You've lived in a lot of the state, haven't you? Where should we make our way to?"

"If we go anywhere that I've lived, they'll find us faster than we could even get there because now Steve knows about a lot of the places I went to growing up. We need somewhere completely random and small." 

After that statement, Emma finalizes packing her supplies and soon after as the two walk out of the room, Wanda asks, "Are you not taking your tech?"

Emma shakes her head, replying, "It's too risky. Taking it could just add in more risk of them pinging our location, plus the training Nat has given us doesn't involve it." She starts to second guess herself and asks, "Do you think I should bring it?"

"Whatever you think is best. I trust your judgment."

Emma nods as they head out, leaving the drone behind. Before making their way to the doors though, Emma makes a stop at the kitchen to grab some granola bars, protein bars, and fruit for the road. When they get moving again, their footsteps echo in the empty halls and Emma says quietly, "I think they cleared everyone out for this so we're completely on our own."

Wanda holds up her finger to silence Emma and whispers, "No, listen. There's someone else here." In the distance, they hear the whistling of one of the security guards from his station. Wanda looks around and sees a camera pointing at them. She then leans closer to Emma's ear, blocking her lips from the camera's view, and whispers, "If that's the night guard, he should be heading home soon. What if we got into the back of his car and out of here that way?"

Emma nods and whispers back, "We'll still have to disable the cameras though so they can't figure out how we left. I can do that part, you distract the guard." Wanda nods with a smile as they part ways to execute their plan.

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