We're in the Endgame Now

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One morning a few weeks later Emma and Steve are driving to Brooklyn so they can go to a few bakeries to decide on a cake for the wedding. They are almost to the first bakery when Steve gets a phone call. "Hey Nat," he starts off the call with.

From the driver's side, Emma glances over at Steve and notices his expression of concern at the call, so when he hangs up, she asks, "What's up? Is it something with Clint?"

"No, but you need to turn around and get us to the Compound ASAP," he tells her with a sense of urgency in his voice.

Quickly, Emma hits the brakes and turns the truck in the direction of the Compound. "Is everything okay? Answer carefully, your answer determines how fast I drive."

Steve chuckles at the joke and responds with, "There's been a development and she needs us there yesterday pretty much."

"Got it," Emma replies and puts more pressure on the gas pedal. While she drives, Steve calls the bakeries they had appointments at and apologizes for the cancellation but tells them an emergency came up. Once they get to the Compound and start to head inside, Emma sees an unfamiliar brown van outside and wonders to herself who it belongs to.

They rush into the main conference room to see Natasha sitting at her desk looking exhausted watching a very stressed-out man pacing the room while muttering to himself and eating a sandwich. The man is Scott Lang, the one that Sam and Emma fought all those years ago when Emma first became an Avenger.

When Scott sees Steve, he shouts, "Steve! Cap! Captain. America. Thank God you're here."

"Scott, what's going on?" Steve asks.

Not knowing where to start, Scott starts rambling. "Well what happened was that I was doing a routine trip in and out of the Quantum Realm with Hank and them, but then when I get out it's five years later, my daughter is all grown up, and half the population is gone?"

"Quantum what...? Scott, calm down," Steve tells him, putting his hands up. Scott stops pacing for a few seconds and Steve asks, "Can you go a bit slower?"

"Steve, I've been trying to get him to calm down this whole time," Nat tells him. Emma makes her way over to Natasha and gives her a hug before taking a seat to listen to what Scott has to say.

"Okay," Scott says and takes a deep breath while running his hands over his face. "Has anyone here studied quantum physics?"

Steve and Emma send each other a confused look while Nat replies with, "Just to make conversation, why?"

With that answer, he continues with, "All right, so five years ago, right before...before Thanos, I was in a place called the Quantum Realm. It's like its own microscopic universe. To get in you have to be extremely small. Hope...she was my...uh...she was supposed to pull me out of there, but then Thanos happened and she was gone while I got stuck in there."

"Oh wow..." Emma mumbles.

"That must have been a long five years alone in there," Natasha tells him sadly.

"That's the thing," Scott tells her. "For me, it was five hours. The rules of the Quantum Realm are different from the rules here. Everything there is unpredictable."

Steve scrunches his eyebrows and asks, "What are you talking about? That doesn't make sense."

"What I'm saying is that time works differently there, the problem is we can't navigate it. I just...I can't stop thinking about it though, what if we could somehow control the chaos and navigate it? What if there was a way to enter the Quantum Realm at one point and exit at another point in time? Like...like before Thanos."

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