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The next morning, Emma regains consciousness and wakes up in an unknown facility. She slowly opens her eyes and lifts her head to look around. As she tries to sit up she's met with pain from the massive bruising all over her body. She lets out a groan which causes the young woman in the room to turn around. "Oh good, you're awake!"

Emma lays back down on the pillow in pain and asks, "Where...where am I? Who are you?"

"I'll start with introductions," the chipper girl responds with a smile. "My name is Shuri and you are currently in my lab in the great kingdom of Wakanda. How are you feeling, Miss Emma?"

"Like I was just in a bombing..." Emma replies in a strained voice as an ache presents itself in her head. She rubs her temple and asks, "What happened? How did I get here? Is my AI system and drone okay?"

"For someone who has a nasty headache you sure are asking a lot of questions," Shuri laughs. "As for the first one, the bomb went off and messed you up pretty badly. You had a shattered tibia and fibula, a concussion, and some other miscellaneous injuries, along with the obvious bruising. As a thank you for the attempt to save my father's life, my brother insisted that you be brought here to heal. Our healers and I mended all your broken bits so they should be good as new. As for the headache, we can give you a special herbal tea to help with the pain, but those bruises will have to heal on their own."

At the words, Emma slowly sits up to look at the girl while she speaks to her. She swings her leg that was previously injured and sees that it was completely healed. "How did you...?"

"We are one of the most advanced civilizations in the world, we have our ways," she tells Emma with a wink. "Now I think that sufficiently answers your first two questions, so as for the last one, your tech is okay. It is a very loyal piece of machinery, Miss Emma. Once you got here I took the liberty of fixing it up, I would even say I made it better if I'm honest."

Emma notices her drone in a lab hood nearby and asks, "What all did you do to her?"

"So I did basic repairs from the blast and reinforced her body with vibranium so she's now virtually indestructible. I have been experimenting with some new tech for the Black Panther suit and tried it out on her as well. If it works properly, any blow that she takes will be absorbed and then you can deal the force back on your attacker."

"That'" Emma whispers, speechless.

Shuri smiles and says, "I'm glad you like it. I also took the liberty to fix some stuff in regards to the AI itself. Fixed some bugs and reprogrammed a little bit. Now she can only be accessed by you. Unhackable, untraceable, and the more you train with it, the better she'll respond as she gets to know you. What was in there before was a basic AI that could respond to commands and things, but it couldn't do everything AI is capable of."

"And here I was thinking that Stark had the best tech in the world..." Emma mumbles.

"This stuff? I was capable of this by the time I was ten Miss Baker."

Emma can't help but laugh at the comment which sets off more pain in her head. She then asks sheepishly, "Hey, you mentioned something about some tea?" Shuri smiles and nods before taking a few steps out of the lab to inform someone of Emma's request.

When Shuri comes back, she tells Emma, "All of the upgrades should be done within the hour. Once you get that tea, if you want a tour of the labs I will gladly take you on one."

Emma looks around and finally takes in all of the tech surrounding them and smiles, saying, "That sounds fantastic."

After a tour of the lab with tea in hand, Emma and Shuri reemerge into her sector of the lab to take a look at the progress on SAM 2.0. Before Shuri takes the drone out from under the hood, she stops and asks Emma, "I saw in your AI previously that there was a function that could read your vitals and play music for you?"

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