A New Hope

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The next morning everyone is getting ready to meet Bruce after Nat finally gets a hold of him. Emma is sitting at the kitchen island staring into her coffee cup as everyone else is rushing about getting ready. Steve notices and stops to talk with her. He rests his hand on her lower back and asks, "Hey Em, is everything okay? Aren't you gonna get ready to meet Bruce?"

Emma sighs and replies, "I just...after yesterday with Stark I don't want to go because I don't wanna get my hopes up... I just got so mad and upset because he didn't even want to try to get them back so I don't want to go through that again if Bruce says the same thing."

"I understand," Steve tells her and kisses her temple. "I have a good feeling about this though. If you still don't want to go though I get it and I promise I'll keep you posted on what's going on."

"Got it," Emma replies quietly and leans her head onto Steve's chest as he gives her a hug.

"It's gonna work, Em," he whispers into her hair before kissing her goodbye and heading off with Scott and Natasha to meet up with Bruce.

A few hours later Emma hears footsteps approaching the living area where she is quietly playing the piano to distract herself. She looks up and sees Steve, Scott, and Natasha followed by who she can only assume is Bruce Banner who now assumes a half-Hulk, half-Banner form. The look of pure confusion is evident on Emma's face so Bruce laughs and says, "Hey Emma."

"Hey, Bruce. I uh wow this is... a different look." She pauses for a second and adds, "I think there may still be some tea from that shop in my stash from when I was living here, do...do you need me to get you some of that?"

Bruce laughs and shakes his head, telling her, "No, no. All's good here. I actually combined myself with the Hulk so now I'm just like this, isn't it cool?"

"Totally," Emma replies, shaking off her shock. "I'm happy that you found a happy medium."

"Aren't we all?" He looks around the room and asks, "So where are we gonna set up?"

Natasha and Scott start to lead him to an empty hangar and Steve makes his way over to Emma. "So he's gonna help?" Emma asks with hope in her voice.

Steve nods with a smile, "He's gonna try."

"And trying is better than nothing," Emma nods as she takes Steve's hand. The pair then head to the hangar so they can help out as much as they can to set up the machine.

The rest of the day flies by in the blink of an eye with Emma running all over the place to get parts for the machine. By the time it's time to head off to bed, she is practically falling asleep as she walks with Steve back to her old bedroom.

Steve chuckles at her state as they get into the bed together. "You really outdid yourself today Emma," he tells her as he pulls her close to his body.

"Oh I didn't do much, I just helped out. You and Bruce did all the heavy lifting, Scott and Nat helped with the science..."

"Hey don't be so down on yourself, you were a big help," Steve tells her and kisses her head.

She nods and asks, "Steve, can you be completely honest with me here?"

"What's up?"

"I just..." she sighs and twists herself around to face Steve. Emma wraps her arms around him and rests her head on his chest as she asks, "Do you really think this is gonna work? The whole time travel thing?"

"It has to," he replies thoughtfully. "You and I both know that Banner is one of the smartest people on Earth. If anyone can figure this out it's him."

"If only Shuri were here..." Emma whispers sadly.

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