It's a Beautiful Pain

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Yikes before I get started, sorry for the lack of uploading, school is CHAOS right now! People are failing, I'm having panic attacks on the weekly and now becoming more often, it's a big yikes, but it's t-minus 74 days until graduation so I'm just gonna keep trucking! Also, this chapter is hella short so we're doing a double upload to make up for that plus not uploading last week!

On another note, I have also been distracted by storyboarding a new fic that is going to be significantly shorter so I'm putting off the OTHER one I'm writing while also trying to juggle publishing this one and school and life, and yeah. Anyway, enough of my word vomit and onto the story!

One afternoon a few weeks later, Emma comes home from cleaning at the Green's house. She looks around the lodge but can't seem to find Steve anywhere. After exhausting the places in the house she can look, Emma finally looks out the back window and sees Steve sitting on the dock looking out at the lake.

She then makes her way out to the dock and sits beside him. "Hey," she whispers, taking one of his hands in her, "is everything okay?"

Steve is silent for a second before shaking his head no. He sighs and admits, "It's just been a rough day. Sam and Buck have been on my mind a lot today and I just... I really miss them, Em."

Emma's heart breaks for Steve at his confession. She squeezes his hand and says, "I'm so sorry Steve... What can I do to help? I could make us some tea, we could put on some records, I could play the piano for you, whatever you want, I'm game."

Steve smiles weakly and asks her quietly, "How about we just sit here on the dock? Remember how it was before all of this happened?"

"Sounds good to me," Emma replies with a nod. She recounts her favorite memories of Sam and Steve tells her more stories of Bucky that she had never heard. While listening, Emma absentmindedly traces shapes on Steve's thigh which soothes him. The two talk about their happier memories of Sam together and for the first time since the snap, Emma doesn't cry at these memories.

After a little while of reminiscing and relaxing under Emma's touch, Steve feels ready to head back inside. As they stand up, he takes Emma's hand and says, "Thank you, Emma. I really needed that."

"Anytime, love," she replies with a smile. As they walk back inside, Emma remembers that she had just finished an embroidery project that afternoon while she was with the Greens. "Hey, I have a gift for you!" Emma exclaims and picks up her pace to get back inside.

"Oh yeah?" Steve asks with a chuckle at Emma's sudden excitement.

"Yes!" Emma runs to get the piece off of the kitchen counter and tells Steve to cover his eyes before she shows him. "Now, it isn't perfect, but Ms. Amanda has been helping me out with my embroidery lately and I wanted to make you something!"

"I can't wait to see what it is," Steve replies with a smile. Emma gives him the piece and he opens his eyes and reads the design out loud, "World's nicest badass. I love it."

Emma giggles and hugs Steve, saying, "Yay! I'm glad you do!"

"Gosh you're so cute," Steve mumbles before he kisses Emma's lips. Emma smiles and then goes to stand on a chair to hang the design above the mantle in the den.

After hanging it up, Emma makes her way back to Steve and wraps her arms around him, and says, "Hey, I love you."

"I love you too," he replies while hugging her back. "And again thank you for being here for me."

"I always will be," she tells him with a smile as she pulls him closer.

The next few weeks pass and while still trying to go on as usual, Steve still can't shake his feelings of sadness over Sam and Bucky. Emma takes notice and throughout this time she comes up with a plan to surprise him with something special. She decides on transforming the cellar into a 40s dance hall and recording some music on her piano that combines Steve's favorite 40s music with his favorite modern music.

One day after work, Emma sends Steve on a grocery run to get them something for dinner. When Emma gets home she quickly runs to finalize the decor in the cellar and make sure she has the speakers set up on her phone so she can play the music she had recorded. After ensuring everything is in working order, Emma gets dressed in a 40s-inspired dress that she had found at the antique shop that day.

After getting ready, Emma writes Steve a note and leaves it in the kitchen where he would be dropping off the groceries any minute. A few minutes pass and then the door to the cellar opens to reveal Steve to her. "Hey you," Emma smiles and opens her arms to give him a hug.

After the hug, she lands a kiss on his lips and Steve relaxes into the kiss and smiles. When he pulls away, he rests his forehead on Emma's and asks, "It looks really nice in here. And so do you, wow... What's the occasion?"

"Well I could tell that you haven't been 100% lately, so I decided that I should show you how much I love and appreciate you," she replies with a sweet smile. Emma then pulls away to start up the music before coming back to Steve.

Steve rests his hands on Emma's hips and she wraps his arms around his neck and they sway to the piano music. At first, Steve thinks that the music is just 40s music but then his ears perk up when he starts to hear some Marvin Gaye being thrown into the mix. A smile makes its way onto Steve's face and he asks, "Is this you playing?"

"It is," Emma replies. She looks deep into his eyes and tells him, "Throughout the past two years you've been here for me and helped me through so much anxiety and depression and I just wanted to do a little something for you to try and show you how much I appreciate you. You've shown me that someone cares for me and I just want you to know how much I care for you."

Steve smiles wide at Emma's words. He spins her around and tells her, "Wow, I don't have words right now, that's so thoughtful Em..." Steve pulls Emma back into his arms and looks deep into her eyes as he thinks of something to say. He finally decides on, "Thank you. This really means so much to me, you have no idea. I know we've had some rough patches and we definitely missed out on the time we could have had together, but I'm so happy that we have this life together now. And you're right, some days I miss the 40s, but there's nowhere else I'd rather be than right here with you."

Emma can't help the happy tears that fall from her eyes as she places a hand on Steve's cheek and smiles, "I love you, Steve Rogers."

"And I love you Emma Baker," he replies and leans down to kiss her softly.

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