The Bombing

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A few hours later Emma is woken up by the light coming in from her opened curtains. She groans as she rolls over, the lack of sleep not sitting well with her. Knowing she shouldn't try to sleep in more, she gets up and throws on her slippers before going to wash her face to wake up. When she's done with that and feels more like a human than a zombie, she heads down to the kitchen in search of food.

When she reaches the kitchen Emma quickly finds a bagel and some juice before sitting down at the table. "Morning sleepyhead," Sam says to her. Emma gives him a small wave as she takes a sip of her juice.

As she drinks her juice, Vision phases into the room making Emma jump. "Oh, my apologies Miss Baker. I see Wanda isn't here yet."

"Not yet, Vis," Emma mumbles.

Vision gives Emma a look and asks, "Are you okay Miss Baker? You seem exhausted. Does this have anything to do with the fact that Mister Wilson left your room at precisely 1:22 this morning?" He then turns to Sam, asking, "Was she in need of assistance?"

"Yeah Sam, was she in need of assistance?" Steve asks as he walks into the kitchen. He grabs a glass from the cabinet and mutters to himself, "You send someone to apologize and he hooks up with the girl you have feelings for, just great..."

Sam wants to see if he can get a reaction out of Steve to prove a point to Emma, so he says with a smirk, "And if she was, Cap? I don't kiss and tell." Sam sends a wink in Emma's way that earns a hard glare and a piece of bagel being thrown at him.

Suddenly a loud noise fills the room. The sound of shattering glass. In a moment of hot jealousy, Steve broke the glass he had in his hand. Instinctively Emma stands up to help clean up the glass and Steve's hand, her exhaustion being scared out of her by the sound. "Here, let me help."

"I don't need-" Steve tries to say but Emma interrupts him.

"Steve, please just let me," she says, looking up at him with soft eyes. She gets a napkin to stop the blood from dripping everywhere and asks Sam to clean up the glass while she and Steve walk to the nearest restroom with first aid supplies. As Emma gathers the supplies to clean up Steve's hand, she asks, "Hey, what's up? I know it's probably a dumb question to ask but..."

Steve sighs as Emma starts to pick the glass out of his hand. "It's just been a rough past few days. First, the Accords happen, then I lose Peg, and on top of that I feel like I'm losing you..." He turns his eyes away and continues, "Those weeks after Sokovia when we weren't talking were a hell I don't want to go through again, Em."

Emma opens her mouth and then shuts it, trying to find the right words to say. "Steve, hey look at me. Please." Steve turns back to her with tears in the corners of his eyes and the sight breaks Emma's heart. "You're not losing me... Sam was just being a jackass. Nothing happened between us at all if that's what you were thinking. He came to apologize and then we blew off some steam with some drinks and video games for a few hours." Emma then laughs and adds on sheepishly, "And I get drunk really easily."

Steve can't help but crack a smile as he says, "I'm glad. Not that you get drunk easily, that's not what I meant, but that's good know, you and Sam..." Steve trails off awkwardly, now feeling bad that he immediately assumed they hooked up.

Emma laughs softly as she wraps a bandage around Steve's hand, "You're not losing me any time soon, Rogers."

Just as Steve is about to say something more to Emma, there's a knock on the doorframe. The pair turn to see Sam in the doorway, "Hey Steve, we should start getting ready, the flight's soon."

Steve nods as he starts to mentally prepares himself for the day at Peggy's funeral. "Thanks Sam, I'll start getting my stuff," he tells him.

"And Steve?" Sam asks as Steve starts to head down the hall to his room. "Sorry for the misunderstanding."

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