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After a couple more months of group training and continued snide comments from Sam and Natasha, Steve and Emma decide to do some training on their own in the mornings together before the team did their group exercises.

One morning Steve wakes up and makes his way to Emma's room. He knocks on the door gently when he gets there. From inside, Emma rolls over in her bed and calls, "Five more minutes?"

Steve chuckles as he cracks the door open, "Those five minutes could potentially cost you your life, Em. You said it yourself, you wanted to train more so you can be up to par with the rest of us."

Emma sighs but starts to get out of bed, "Can I have a couple minutes to get ready?"

"That you can," Steve nods.

Emma smiles and rubs her eyes as she gets out of the covers. "Here, throw on a record or something while you wait," she offers, "it's my day to choose the music we train to anyways so you might as well choose something you like before my playlist is on."

"Fair enough," Steve replies as he grabs a vinyl from Emma's collection to put on her record player.

Emma grabs some athletic clothes to put on while she brushes her teeth. When she's ready, she grabs her tablet and tells Steve, "Let's go."

"You know, I like doing this in the mornings, just us," he tells her as they walk to the training area.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," Steve smiles, "it reminds me of DC."

"Oh yes when you completely outran me every morning?" Emma teases with a smile.

"That was the time," Steve laughs. "Things were a bit more simple those days."

"You're telling me," Emma replies. Gaining a bit of confidence as they reach the training gym, Emma adds, "I really did miss one on one time with you, so I'm really glad we've started to do this."

Steve smiles as his mind races to find something to say back, but he only comes up with, "Me too." He mentally kicks himself for saying something so lame while Emma sets her tablet up to the speakers in the gym.

After Emma gets SAM to cue up her playlist she starts a warmup to the music. A few minutes later, she jogs in place while asking Steve, "Ready to get your ass kicked old man?"

"In your dreams, Baker," he replies with a laugh, "but I'll go easy on you today since I woke you up so early."

"Why thank you," Emma says with a sweet smile as they begin their workout. After a solid hour of weight training and cardio, Steve tells Emma it was time for combat. She leans against the wall, out of breath, and says, "Okay give me like two seconds to recover Mr. Super Soldier."

Slipping into Captain mode, Steve tells Emma, "Em, in a battle you won't have two seconds to recover before an enemy attacks again."

Emma takes in a deep breath and nods, "That's fair. Okay, I'm ready. What move are we working on today?"

"Taking someone down from behind. You've gotten good at defensive moves if someone already has you pinned, but you need more work on your offensive moves. I've noticed that in training and on the few missions we've been on, you rely on your drone a lot for offense. You won't always be able to use your tech so you need to know how to effectively get the jump on an opponent without it."

Emma nods, "Got it. Where do we start?"

Steve takes Emma through multiple exercises for a little while before she gets a grasp on them. "Okay, now that you've got those down, let's combine what you just learned with what you already know. Are you ready?"

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