Here We Go Again

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Later on, as the celebration is winding to a close, Steve tells Emma about the plan to return the stones where they got them, saying, "We decided that after everything that's happened, I'm the most capable of returning them."

Emma takes in the words and nods as she leans into his chest to give him a hug. "Just promise me you'll be safe?"

"I promise I will be," he tells her with a kiss on the top of her head.

After one more day of observation, Emma is released to go back home. She thanks everyone who helped treat her before getting into a jet that is set with the coordinates to the lodge. Accompanying Emma and Steve to the lodge are Sam, Bucky, and Bruce. On the way there, Bruce details how they will be building a mini version of the time machine they used before so that Steve can return the stones to their proper places in time. While Emma still has her reservations, she knows that was the only way to get everything back to normal.

As they arrive on the property, Emma goes inside to start cleaning up odds and ends to distract herself while the guys work on the time machine outside. At one point Sam comes in for a small break and looks around the house and at all the new pictures that were added while he was gone.

"Wow, y'all did lots of redecorating didn't you?" Sam asks aloud as he approaches Emma who is now sitting quietly at the piano bench staring off into space.

Emma jumps at the sudden voice appearing and nods, replying, "Yeah, a bit. We just wanted it to start feeling like our home rather than a rental space."

Sam nods as he sits beside her on the bench. "What's on your mind, Ems?"

"What? Nothing, I'm fine."

"Well judging by the fact that you always come and sit at this piano when you need to think about stuff or when you're upset, I'm assuming it isn't nothing."

Emma sighs and admits, "I'm just scared, Sam..."

"What are you scared of?"

Emma starts fiddling with her engagement ring to try and stop her hands from shaking as she tells him, "Last time we did the whole time travel thing we lost Nat... I'm terrified to lose Steve too, especially since he's going alone..."

"Hey, hey," Sam whispers, hearing the break in her voice and trying to prevent her from crying. "It's gonna be okay. All Steve has to do is put them back, he doesn't have to fight or anything."

"I know, but neither did she..."

Sam sighs quietly before telling her, "Emma, we just have to trust Steve here, okay?"

"I know, I just-"

Sam shakes his head and interrupts her, "Do you trust Steve?"

"More than anything," Emma nods.

"Then trust that he'll be okay. He can hold his own, you know that."

"Oh, believe me, I know," Emma replies with a quiet laugh.

"It'll all work out, okay?"


"Now I gotta get back out there, they may be super strong and geniuses but I'm the one who can build this thing," Sam jokes before grabbing a water bottle and heading back outside.

Later everyone is settled in for the night, well, all except Emma. While everyone else is fast asleep, Emma is wide awake, her mind racing with thoughts of Steve's mission details, the final battle with Thanos, and the time travel mission that they lost Nat to.

She becomes so overwhelmed that she sneaks out of bed and into the living room to sit at the piano. She plugs in a few things to quiet the piano so she doesn't wake the others before she starts playing one of Nat's favorite songs. She begins to cry while playing so she stops and changes to a happier song, knowing that it wasn't good for her mental state.

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