The Winter Soldier

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After making it to HQ and getting her equipment, Emma sprints onto the ship right as they're shutting the ramp. Romanoff and Rogers are already being briefed on the mission while other agents listen in and get geared up. While this is going on, Emma stays toward the edges of the crowd, making herself scarce besides when she needs to set a camera up on an agent's vest. Between securing cameras, she activates the earpiece that would loop her into all the action going on when the mission is happening so she can report everything back to HQ.

Emma goes up to Cap with a mission camera after a few minutes of setting up. "Hey Em," he says offhandedly while still listening to the briefing as she attaches the camera to his suit. Emma smiles and pats his shoulder when she's done, not wanting to interrupt his concentration.

As Emma walks away right as the briefing is wrapped up, she hears Natasha ask Steve, "Do you have anything fun planned for Saturday night?"

Emma's heart skips a beat, a thought in the back of her mind hoping he didn't. Maybe she could ask him to do something together... Steve replies to Natasha, "Well all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so, no not really."

As this exchange is happening, a voice comes over the speakers informing Cap that the dropzone is coming up. He starts preparing himself for the jump while Romanoff looks at him and says, "You know, if you asked Kristen from statistics, she'd probably say yes."

A spark of jealousy flickers in Emma's heart that is doused when Steve replies with, "That's why I don't ask."

"Too shy or too scared?"

"Too busy!" he shouts before jumping out of the jet.

"Was he wearing a chute?" Emma asks as she wanders back over to Romanoff with a camera for the mission. She holds it up in an offer but Romanoff just shakes her head before slipping on her parachute and jumping out of the jet.

Emma sighs and goes to her spot where her laptop lay open ready to have video from her drone and the team's cameras fed to it. She picks up the tablet that controls her drone, activates the camouflage mode, and sends it down to film the mission.

She keeps a safe distance from the ship while capturing Cap flawlessly taking out the occupants of the ship by himself. "Damn..." she whispers as she watches the action.

Emma watches a man pull a gun on Rogers, and scoots forward to the edge of her seat because of the anxiety building in her body. At that moment though, the parachuting agents land on the deck with Agent Rumlow shooting the gunman down before he could get a shot at Cap. Emma sinks back in her chair in relief and lets go of a breath she didn't know she was holding, grateful to Rumlow for saving his life.

From the coms feed, Emma can hear Romanoff continue her pestering of Steve with, "What about that nurse who lives across the hall from you?"

Emma shakes her head, the spark of jealousy reigniting inside of her. She remembers their encounter from this morning. The woman was perfect. She was a nurse, blonde, nice... Emma shakes her head to get the thought of the woman out of her head, needing to focus on documenting the mission, not her unwarranted jealousy.

"Baker, how close can you get that thing?" one of the agents in charge asks, walking up behind her.

"Pretty close, but nothing too up close and personal, this thing isn't the best at maneuvering tight spaces. That's why we've got the body cams." She shows them what she means by switching the feed she is viewing from the wide drone shot to the more focused body cameras attached to the agents' vests.

"Well get as close as possible with the drone. Fury wants all we can get on this one considering the high-profile faces we're rescuing here.."

Emma nods and looks at a schematic before deciding to approach the ship from an inconspicuous vantage point where she sees the main man in charge, Batroc, giving orders from a room far away from the hostages. "Wow, big man, not even doing your own dirty work..." she mumbles to herself.

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