Something to Believe in

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Once the jet lands, Emma and Steve start the mile trek to the motel. When the building comes into their sight, Emma turns to Steve and asks, "Can I assume I'm gonna be checking us in?"

Steve chuckles and nods, "I think it's in both of our best interests if you did." He takes off his jacket and puts it around her shoulders and hands her his cap, "Here, wear these. If you grew up here they might recognize you without it."

"Thank you," Emma says and tries to hide the blush on her cheeks with the brim of the hat. Steve hands her a handful of cash to book the room with and Emma makes her way to the lobby to check in. Once she gets the key, Emma signals Steve to follow her to their room on the far end of the motel building.

Once Steve gets to the door with Emma, she awkwardly tells him, "Hey, so uh...I will warn you, this was the last available room and the clerk said it only has one bed. If it would make you more comfortable I can sleep in the chair if there is one, and yeah, I just thought I should tell you before we get in and, you know...only one bed..."

"Emma, I would never let a lady sleep in the chair. For now, let's just worry about getting settled in and we can figure out the rest later, it'll all be okay," Steve tells her, sensing her nervousness.

Emma nods, "Okay, again, I'm sorry, it was just the only option and-"

Steve chuckles at how cute Emma's awkwardness at the situation is and he reassures her, "It's okay, Em." As they get into the room, Emma shudders as she looks around. Steve notices and asks, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, these types of motels just give me the creeps..." she trails off. "I've watched too many horror movies."

Steve reassures her, "Well as long as I'm here, nothing will hurt you. Okay?"

Emma smiles, "Okay." She takes a seat on the bed and asks, "So...I guess I should ask. How are you after everything that went down?"

"I've definitely been better," Steve replies as he sits in the chair nearby. "This week has been one of the craziest ones in my life and I used to be a skinny kid from Brooklyn who got turned into a super-soldier."

"Just a day in the life of Captain America," Emma replies with a laugh.

"I think I'll just go by Captain Rogers for a while," he tells her sheepishly.

"Sir yes sir," Emma tells him with a two-finger salute. Emma gathers the courage to ask the question that's been bugging her since she saw the news, so she blurts out, "So...what exactly happened with...with Bucky?"

"I don't know how much of the news you saw while in Wakanda, but the man who orchestrated all of this, Zemo is his name, set up Buck as if he was the one who did the bombing. All he wanted was to unleash the Winter Soldier on the world and to tear the Avengers apart." Steve pauses and runs his hand through his hair before adding, "His plan seems to have worked pretty well considering where we are..."

Emma nods, taking in the information before asking, "So then Bucky is in Wakanda right now?"

"Yeah, they're going to see if Shuri can get those trigger words out of his head so he can't become the Winter Soldier anymore."

"I gotcha," Emma replies quietly with a nod.

Steve looks out the window and sees the sun setting and tells Emma, "I know you probably don't want to talk about all of that though. How about we both try and get some sleep for the night and then we can come up with a plan in the morning?"

"Sounds good," Emma replies with a yawn. She takes the small bag Shuri gave her with some clothes to the bathroom and changes into the pj's from Wakanda.

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