Once again, their children had to be pulled from school due to what was going on being overheard by Royalty.

"You know Mya, you may feel like you're not handling this situation well but you've done a great job. Once you explained everything you stepped back and just let things play out. I know you're very emotional but that's expected because if though Tim is still here, this is another big loss. I know how close you two were and he was a comfort for you. What will make this easier is when you realize that you don't need to depend on anyway else to be a safety net, you should be able to find that in yourself."

"You're absolutely right."

"Tomorrow is the last stop for Chris's tour, what's next for you guys after that?"

"Figuring out our next move. Chris has become very guarded and keeps mentioning a change of scenery."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I'm not against it at all. I think some distance is needed between me and my family. Even though, I don't want to leave my sisters, but space could be good for us. We were all together in Miami even though Brian and Mariah were in other cities I still had Tim and Kayla, then everybody came to Cali. I think we all need to take a minute to regroup."

"So where would you go? Back to Miami?"

"I don't know. We may not even leave California, we'll just move out a little further."

"That could help but shutting out genuine love isn't that much of a good idea. Mariah seems to never be a problem, I wouldn't axe her out."

Mya nodded. "Yeah."

"Something that I've always wanted you and Chris to work on is how much you let outsiders get in your head. Good or bad, someone will have a comment to say. Everyone won't love you and that is absolutely okay."

"Heard you."

"Has any of this hindered you and Chris's relationship."

Exhaling Mya sat back more on the bed. "I don't know if it's my guilt messing with my mind or if he's really upset with me. The love is there but everything just feels awkward, and I can't help but think that this is all my fault. It's my family that's causing these issues, ya know? I'm like holding my breath and waiting for him to tell me that he can't do this anymore." Tears ran down Mya face.

On the other side of the door, Chris stood listening in to what was being talked about. When he heard the last thing she said, his eyebrows furrowed, making him step back.

"Daddy, Jade won't stop crying." Royalty said while walking up to her dad with her crying sister.

He turned to them and smiled, taking Jade in his arms. "What's wrong mama? Hm? What's wrong? Y'all hungry? I'll order some food." Chris said while sitting at the table with Landon and Royalty.

"We're starving, I thought you were trying to kill us." Landon said making his dad stare at him with a blank face.

"It's always you. Anyway, I wanna ask y'all something?"

"We're listening." Royalty responded never taking her face from her phone.

Chris reached and pulled it out her hands and put it in his pocket. "This is serious Ro, so listen to me....I really want to do things differently with you guys. First I want to apologize if I was never there for y'all. Nothing or nobody comes before any of you. Like I've said before, if you ever need me, I'm here. If you ever feel like I'm lacking, tell me please. I don't want you guys to ever think that you need to express your pain to somebody else. I'm here for you, always."

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