Volume 1 Chapter 12: Now that's a Lady

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Y/N: And you think I'm the right guy for the job?

Jaune: Well yeah. You're so cool and stylish!

Y/N: That I am. 

I smiled proudly and sat under a tree as Jaune sat by me.

Y/N: Alright, but why do you want to talk to girls?

He blushed lightly and scratched his cheek.

Jaune: I'm trying to get a you know... A girlfriend...

Y/N: (chuckled) Do you have anyone in mind? 

Jaune: I do. 

Y/N: Who? 

Jaune: Weiss. (sighs and looks dreamily at the sky) She's so amazing... 

Y/N: Jaune, you might want to reconsider. She doesn't like you at all.

Jaune: H-Hey! I can still try! I've seen it in anime and movies! She's just being a tsundere!

Y/N: A girl not liking you doesn't equate to her being a tsundere.

Jaune: (looks down in shames) Aw... 

Y/N: But I'll do my best to teach you the tricks of the trade my friend. If you fail then that's on you. There's no such thing as a bad teacher, only a bad student. That's a famous quote by the way.

Jaune: Really? Who said that?

Y/N: (shrugs) Dunno. Probably a bad teacher.

Jaune: But you just said-

Y/N: First step is to build confidence. Your dad already told you about that, but you came off to strong. You need to dial it back and make things come naturally.

Jaune: Okay. 

Y/N: Second step: Go up to a girl and give her a compliment. Something small but not something super minor to make it seem like you spied on her. Say how her hair looks silky smooth.

Jaune: Gotcha.

Y/N: Third Step: Keep a small smile on your face. You want her to think you're a positive person. That way, if she's upset she'll go to you and you can bond as you comfort her.

Jaune: Oh that's good.

Y/N: I'll teach more after you practice those steps.

Jaune: Who should I practice on?

Y/N: Definitely not Weiss.

Jaune: What?! Why?!

Y/N: She seems like the type to always receive some sort of compliment especially by people in the upper class of wealth. She may think that your compliments are cheesy or lame.

Jaune: That's... fair...

Y/N: How about.... Hmmm....

I closed my eyes and rubbed my chin as I tried to think of the different girls I knew.

Y/N's mind: Ruby? No, she's too young. Plus, I don't want him hitting on my sister? Yang? Nah, wouldn't work. Tyra? No way, she isn't the kind of girl to get a boyfriend. The same could be said for Nikki. Blake? Maybe, but she'll probably walk away halfway through. Coco? Nah, too risky. She'll eat him alive. Nora? No her and Ren got something going on. I can feel it! That just leaves...

I opened my eyes and looked at him.

Y/N: How about Pyrrha?

Jaune: Her? Really? 

Y/N: Trust me on this.

Jaune: Alright! I'll do it! Thanks for the advice!

He got up and ran to go find her.

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