Chapter 6 - New room

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Finally, it was time for lunch. I felt relieved to do something else than wait. I, Jeff, and Clint walked towards the kitchen to get food. When we got it we sat down on one of the tables.

I looked at the sky and noticed that there weren't any clouds. Did I ever see clouds in this sky? I wondered.

'Does it ever rain?' I asked Clint.

'Not that I remember.' He answered me.

We finished our food and went to the hospital room again.
We still had to wait. I hoped I wouldn't get this job since it was very boring.

Finally, after hours it was time for dinner. Frypan gave us meat and some kind of salad. I joined Minho and Alby.

Gally walked over to us.
'Your room is done, shank.' He told me. He walked away before I could thank him.

'Thanks!' I shouted.

I quickly ate my food so I could see my room. Minho gave me some weird looks because I wasn't even chewing on my food, but I was excited. When I finished I almost ran towards the homestead. I walked up the stairs and saw that there was a new door next to Newt his room. I opened the door and saw that the room looked the same as the other ones. I was kind of disappointed but appreciated that the builders even made me a room.

I sat on the bed and looked around. The walls were made out of wood and there was also a wooden chair next to my bed. In the corner of the room was a closet. Newt and Alby don't have a closet. I smiled a little.

I got up with the idea to decorate my room a little, so I went to the kitchen to ask Frypan for a knife. He asked me if I would be careful and I nodded. I walked towards one of the maze walls and cut off some ivy. I quickly gave Frypan the knife back. When I got back in my room I realized I didn't have anything to tape the ivy with. I ran back to the kitchen asking if Frypan had tape. Luckily he had.

I thanked him. I got the ivy and taped it on one of the walls. It didn't look perfect but at least I had some decoration now. How long would the ivy last without dying? I wondered.
I realized I could put a note in the box sometime to ask for decorations.

I was getting ready for bed so I put on my pajamas. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I did that I went to the toilet.

Shit. I guess I have to put a note in the box for other things too.

I was on my period. I didn't remember having it before, but I knew what it was. I looked around to see if I saw any pads but I didn't. Of course, those boys didn't have pads.
I put some toilet paper in my underwear hoping it would help. I crossed my fingers hoping I wouldn't ruin the white sheets.


I got up the next morning with a headache and pain in my stomach. Of course. I rolled my eyes and got up anyways. I need to work in the gardens today so I couldn't stay in bed.
I quickly got to the toilet again and saw that the toilet paper didn't work. I got up to wash my hands but then I tasted something nasty in my mouth. I ran back to the toilet and puked. Ew. Why did this have it happen to me?

I felt a little dizzy so I got in my bed again.


𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 ➀ - The Maze Runner, NewtNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ