"That's how she ended up like this" Dani says laughing.

I laugh and playfully smack her arm. The lady is laughing at us.

"You guys are a cute couple" she says

"Wha-" I say

"Thanks been together three years dated two years before that" Dani says

I give her a weird look and she gives me a look that says 'Just go with it'. I shake my head and lay on the table and pull up my shirt so only my stomach is showing. The lady puts some gel stuff on my stomach and takes the handle thingy and puts it on my stomach. Dani comes over and sits in the chair by the bed holding my hand. I look at her and she just winks at me.

"Okay well it looks like you are pregnant and about three months...it looks like your having a baby girl" the nurse says

"Oh that's nice I'm going to have a baby girl" I ask

"Yes congratulations" she says

"Yah!!!! baby girl!!!" Dani yells

I look at her and try not to laugh as the nurse watches us. Dani leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Want the ultrasound printed out?" the nurse asks

"Yes please" Dani says

"Okay I'll go get it printed" the nurse says

"Thank you" Dani says

The nurse nods and tells us I can get cleaned up and then we can clean and she'll have the pictures at the front desk. Dani hands me some wet papertowels and I clean the gel off my stomach. I get up and together we walk back to the lobby. Just as we were about to enter the lobby Dani grabs my hand.

"Gotta keep up our little couple act" she says

I laugh and shake my head. We enter the lobby and the front desk hands us the pictures. I thank them and we go out to Dani's car.

"Okay why did you do that?" I ask cracking up laughingd

"Do what?" she asks innocently

"Do what? why did you tell her we were married?" I ask

"I don't know she was smiling so big I didn't want to tell her we weren't a couple" she says

"And what am I supposed to tell her when I go back with Niall?" I ask

"Just say he's your brother or something" she says

"Yeah sure that'll turn out well" I say

"It will now get out of my car!" she says

I laugh and say "See ya later baby" and climb out of the car.

She laughs and waves as she backs out the driveway. I walk up to the door and open it. Niall's car was in the driveway so he must be home.

"Niall!!" I yell

"In the kitchen!" he yells

"Come to the living room I need to talk to you" I yell

"Okay I need to talk to you too!" he yells

I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. Niall comes and sits with me.

"What'd ya need to tell me?" he asks

"No tell me your news first" I say

"Well...I know your gonna be upset but I we're going on tour in March for six months." he says

"Six months....so it wont get over till August" I say

"Yup...but we're coming back from America in July to perform at the O2 arena the twenty third for our anniversary then we have the twenty fourth and twenty fifth off then we go to Scotland the twenty sixth" he says

"That's good" I say

"Yeah I'm excited" he says

"But wait its February shouldn't you guys be working and getting ready for the tour?" I ask

"Yeah we start things tomorrow so we can have at least three weeks for stuff" he says

"Oh I see" I say

"Hey don't worry I'll make sure we do something for your twenty first birthday" he says

"Oh okay" I say

"Amelia what's wrong?" he asks

"Niall I'm three months pregnant" I say tears coming out of my eyes.

"What?" he asks

"I'm pregnant...three months" I say handing him he ultrasound pictures.

He opens the envelope. He looks at the picture of our little girl.

"We're having a baby girl?" he asks tears profiling his eyes

"Yes a baby girl" I say

"Wait....your three months...that means your due sometime in July?" he asks

"Yeah I don't when though" I say

"Shit I'm going to be on tour" he says

"Niall calm down listen its going to be okay...we don't know when the baby is due" I say

"But Amelia I might miss the birth of my own child" he says

"Niall we'll work it out when we find out when I'm due" I say

He pulls me into a hug and we just sit on the couch staring out the window as it starts to snow.

Pranking One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now