Number 1 Wyn: Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Is the pain over?

   Jaehyun over the weeks concentrates on Wyn's health by staying by his side through the recovery and his family supports him.
   Meanwhile Mr Jang and Kim can't stop sneaking around having sex secretly until one time Jaehyun finds them kissing and about to kick it.
   Jaehyun calls them into his room and asks them in front of Wyn,then they shyly admit that they are dating.
   Jaehyun and Wyn then blesses their relationship.
   As Mr Jang and Kim leave the room, Wyn remensces how they met and how broken and shy he was, Jaehyun then teases Wyn for being a cry baby.
   Later during Dinner the family discusses about their journey back and Jaehyun decides that Wyn and him should visit Russia for a while so that Wyn can get a new breeze and recover quicker.
   They agree to go along with the two and Jaehyun leaves Mr Jang in charge of their Korean Legal Business during the time he is away.
   After the meeting Jaehyun tells everyone that he has an announcement to make.
   As Jaehyun drows everyone's attention, he goes towards Wyn,goes on one knee and says
    Both Wyn and everyone else is shocked and extremely happy to hear this.
    With tears in his eyes, Wyn says...
     Jaehyun then joyfully hugs Wyn as everybody celebrates.
     Mrs Kim them serves everyone with Wine as a celebratory drink.
     And they all toast to Jaehyun and Wyn's new life ahead.
     Just then Jae Mi poses a question...
        I've been wanting to ask... Is your name just Wyn? What's your full name? Does Jaehyun even know it?
        At that moment everyone has a time of realization that they don't know anything about Wyn.
          Jaehyun: Yes I know his Full Name.
                           Woo Yeon Nam
           Jae Mi: what??
           Jaehyun: W Y N are initials for his full name
           Yunna: It sounds odd.
           Wyn: It's a North Korean Name.
     Everyone: WHAT!!!??
                      YOU ARE NORTH KOREAN???
            Wyn: My mother was North Korean.
                      I was born here in South Korea.
             Kim: Is that your mother was in the
             Wyn: She was there because she was
                       Charged with Murder.
              Mrs Hye Na: How so?
    Wyn then starts to explain as everyone curiously listen.
             Wyn: My mother had just ran away from the
                       North and met my Dad.
                       After getting married her citizenship
                       Changed to South Korean.
                       My father's family was against their
                       Marriage,so they moved further away
                       from them.
                       Later she got pregnant with me, but
                       before I was born my Father died in a
                       an Accident at work, a building
                       him and his work mates were
                       demolishing collapsed on them before
                       they could secure it.
                       So she had to have me all alone and at
                       that time,only her neighbors helped.
                       As time went by my mother was back
                       her feet and managed to get a Job as
                       a house help for a Rich man and he
                       was kind enough to sponsor me.
                       When I was 12 years old My mother's
                       Boss's secretary found out that my
                       Mother was North Korean and decided
                       to Blackmail my mother that if she
                       didn't give him pleasure he would tell
                       the Boss and get her fired.
                       Because she was scared that I would
                       suffer she agreed to his terms but
                       when wanted to force himself on her,
                       She reacted and pushed him away.
                       Filled with anger the secretary
                       threatened to use me as his sex toy
                       My mother couldn't bare to see me get
                       hurt and her motherly instincts kicked
                       in,She grabbed a heavy metallic paper
                       Weight and hit him on his head and
                       died,Because she reminded silent,She
                       made me promise to never say this
                       to anyone for my safety and I obeyed.
                       That's how she was arrested for
                       Her Boss made a promise that he
                       Would take care of me only until I was
                       done with my High School studies and
                       afterwards I was on my own.
  After a moment of silence they all pity Wyn for having a tragic childhood,while they also praise him for being strong.
             Jaehyun: That's why I'm in Love with him.
                              He is quite resilient.
              Jay Ahn: Wait a minute Jaehyun.
                               When did you know about this?
              Jaehyun: At the Hospital after Wyns attempt
                               for suicide.
                               When I met him that day he told
                               me everything, more like he
                               trusted me alot.
                Wyn: I did and I still do.
                Jaehyun: Why trust a stranger?
                Wyn: I don't know,it just felt Right.
   Right then Jaehyun admires Wyn more and they decide to go to bed and of course Jaehyun blesses Wyn all night.
     Days later...
     The family gets on their family jet and they travel to Russia and when they arrive Wyn is shocked to see even a Bigger Mansion than Jaehyun's.
     During all this time, Jaehyun keeps Wyn close because of the weather and because he has become fond of him.
     After resting Jaehyun takes Wyn around the Mansion for a tour, he immediately falls in love with the place.
     Later Wyn is introduced to everyone in the Mansion as Jaehyun's wife and In the night a party is thrown for them as congratulations for their engagement.
     Days go by and Wyn gets familiar with the place meanwhile Jaehyun helps his siblings with their work.
     Mr Petrov also finds time to get closer to Wyn and they bond,as they bond Mr Petrov teaches him how to handle a pocket knive and smaller guns since he is now going to be part of a Mafia family.
     One Day Jaehyun takes Wyn out on a date on a snowy day, to a frozen lake to watch the Sunset.
     After the the Sun sets they get romantic in the car and they have sex.
     On their way back an unknown vehicle starts following Jaehyun's vehicle and when he notices he tells Wyn to buckle up and hold on.
     Later it turns into a high speed chase and Jaehyun drives through the snowy roads, as he notices other vehicles chasing after them he calls his brother Jay Ahn who also informs the others and they immediately get in their cars to help Jaehyun.
     As Jaehyun approaches a bridge they start firing at his vehicle because it's bullet proof,the windows don't shatter, so the pursuer's then get a Missile Launcher and they start aiming at the tyres.
     After 3 missiles the vehicle finally over turns and because it has a rooftop hatch, Wyn gets thrown out of the vehicle and onto the bridge ahead and passes out.
     Just then Jay Ahn and the others arrive and they see Jaehyun's vehicle still over turning and it falls into the lake below with Jaehyun in it.
     This angers everyone and they fire at the pursuer's while Jae mi grabs Wyn and takes him to safety, The Petrovs fire at the pursuer's until no one is left alive.
     Jaehyun's siblings worry as the vehicle sinks below the frozen lake.
     They call their professional people to remove the car as fast as they can,but because of the heavy current of the water below, the car gets dragged down river and they can't catch up with it.
     They search for hours till mid morning and when they find the vehicle it turns out to be empty.
     With some more searching further down river they find Jaehyun's torn shirt.
       When Wyn finally gains consciousness he asks for Jaehyun but no one tells him and when he tries to get up to look for him he falls to the floor, then realizes that he injured his leg.
       Mrs Hye Na then helps him and gets him back on the bed.
        Wyn: Where's Jaehyun?
                  Is he alright.
        Mrs Hye Na: Wyn (weeps)
                              Jaehyun is not coming back.
        Wyn: What do you mean?
        Mrs Hye Na: The car fell into the frozen lake
                               then got dragged away by the
                               Current and when they found it
                               Jaehyun wasn't there.
        Wyn: Maybe He got out?
                  He got out right?(tears start to build up)
         Mrs Hye Na: The shirt he wore was found
                               further down was torn.
         Wyn: What are you saying?
         Mrs Hye Na: Wyn, Jaehyun didn't make it.
    Wyn refuses to listen to Mrs Hye Na and when she  continues to tell him about Jaehyun's Death, it drives him crazy and he cries and screams uncontrollably until he passes out again.
    Later when he wakes up,he feels weak and helpless as his lover is gone. Downstairs a huge portrait of Jaehyun is displayed so that everyone can pay their respect.
    When Wyn is called down stairs to pay his respect he refuses and claims that Jaehyun is Alive.
    A devastated Wyn runs out of the house to go and look for Jaehyun but is stopped by Jae mi,right then Wyn breaks down.
    Later during investigations by the Family investigator they find Jae Mi's personal weapon on the pursuer's car,this confuses everyone as they assume Jae mi sold out Jaehyun to the rival gangs.
    Jae Mi denies all accusations and tells them he is innocent, but he can't tell how his personal and favorite weapon was found in the other car.
    During the family Court,they all stand against Jae mi apart from Wyn who feels that Jae mi is innocent,so he tries to defend him but it doesn't work as the majority vote against Jae mi.
    After a long process of interrogating and torture Mr Petrov comes up with a final decision, he strips Jae mi of his birth right as his son,his roles,benefits, inheritance and banishes him, then considers him an enemy of the family for killing his own Brother. This saddens Wyn but there's nothing he can do.
    News about Jaehyun's Death spreads, Mr Jang,Kim,Mrs Kim and The workers also mourn Jaehyun's Death.
    A few weeks later after finding nothing about Jaehyun, Wyn decides that he wants to go back to Korea but Mrs Hye Na insists that he stays since he is now part of the family, after a while of persuading Wyn finally agrees to stay in Russia.
    One day as Wyn is sitting alone out on the balcony Jay Ahn accompanies him and he tries to cheer him up,it takes a while but Wyn cheers up a bit.
    Some months later....
      Jay Ahn and Wyn starts dating, though Wyn's loyalty still lies with Jaehyun,he does it for the sake of.
      Though Wyn isn't fully happy with the relationship but he goes on with it.
      One night Jay Ahn goes to Wyn's room and tries to make love to him, after kissing,Jay Ahn quickly tries to undress Wyn but it makes him uncomfortable and he stops Jay Ahn and walks out.
      This upsets Jay Ahn but he tries to make Wyn understand that he has needs too.
        Wyn: Jaehyun never forced me to make Love.
        Jay Ahn: Well I'm not Jaehyun.
        Wyn:(teary)Sorry i don't think I can do this.
     Wyn walks away from Jay Ahn and locks himself in his room.
     In the morning Wyn is confronted by Mr and Mrs Petrov and they wonder why Wyn isnt doing his duty as a boyfriend, Wyn tries to make them understand but they make it clear that he has to please Jay Ahn since they are going to be together.
     Wyn is told to apologize to Jay Ahn and he does.
     In the night Jay Ahn goes to Wyn's room and asks if he can to make love to him,Wyn tries to avoid it but Jay Ahn assures Wyn that their relationship won't last if he goes on with the same behavior.
     So Wyn has no choice but to agree, Jay Ahn takes off Wyn's clothes and his, starts kissing Wyn roughly and before Wyn is ready Jay Ahn inserts his cock and Wyn groans in pain with his eyes shut.
     After a long night of painful sex, Jay Ahn gets satisfied and leaves Wyn on the bed weeping without saying anything.
     In the morning during breakfast Wyn seems unhappy but Jay Ahn doesn't even try to find out how Wyn is, instead he proposes, Wyn with a heavy heart tries to divert the proposal but Jay Ahn insists and Wyn ends up accepting.
     Immediately after Wyn accepts Jay Ahn announces that the wedding day will be in a week.
     When Wyn tries to oppose he silences him and drags him to the room where he slaps him and tells him to not oppose his future husband and promises to discipline him if he tries it again, this scares Wyn.
     Meanwhile the other remaining siblings find it suspecious that Jay Ahn is in a hurry to marry Wyn and it makes them uncomfortable, so they decide to spy on Jay Ahn.
     The next day Wyn tries to run away,but he is caught by Jay Ahn's men at the Airport And is taken to Jay Ahn in his warehouse.
     When they arrive with Wyn, Jay Ahn immediately confiscates Wyn's passports then slaps him again, he grabs Wyn by the hand really tight and drags him to his office where he rapes him as punishment for running away,after he is done he threatens to kill Wyn if he tries anything stupid again.
     As Wyn is left crying on the office floor,he misses Jaehyun and wishes he was alive.
     A week later...
    Wedding day, Jay Ahn stands at the Alter as he anxiously waits for Wyn,a few minutes later Wyn arrives, he drags his feet as he doesn't want to get married to Jay Ahn.
    When Wyn reaches the Alter the session starts and when the audience is asked if anyone is against the marriage a masked man stands and objects to the wedding.
    When the man is told to reveal himself it turns out to be Jae mi, Jay Ahn then immediately orders his men to take Jae mi out,then the sisters also object to the wedding, as this becomes a noisy event,someone else from the audience loudly objects and when he removes the hood everyone can't believe their eyes when they see Jaehyun.
    Wyn immediately tears up...
        Jay Ahn: Jae... Jaehyun?
                        You are Alive?
         Jaehyun: Why?
                          Are you surprised?
                          Did I ruin your plan?
         Mr Petrov: What plan?
         Jaehyun: Well your son here is the culprit.
         Mr Petrov: What are you saying?
         Jaehyun: He is the one who sold me out to the
                          Rival gang not Jae mi.
                          Which means he also planted Jae
                          Mi's weapon in the other car.
                          He wanted me dead.
                          He also wanted Wyn for himself.
   Everyone gasps and Jaehyun tells Wyn to go to him,as soon as Wyn takes one step he starts beeping and it stops him immediately.
           Jay Ahn: Oh Wyn.(laughs)
                            Where are you going?
           Jaehyun: What did you do to him?
           Jay Ahn: I just gave him a nice accessory.
                            You see that little choker he is
                            It's a titanium bomb.
                            If he goes another inch away from
                            me, his head explodes.
            Yummi: You Bastard.
            Jay Ahn:(laughs)
                            I'll be taking Wyn with me.
    Jay Ahn then drags Wyn out of the place as he screams for Jaehyun.
     After a distance everyone follows Jay Ahn as he goes to the roof top with Wyn to board on a helicopter, Wyn then tries to fight Jay Ahn by biting him, Jay Ahn then hits Wyn against a concrete wall and he collapses.
     Just as he is about to Carry Wyn Jaehyun shows up and the two start fighting.
     As the fighting commences Yummi and Yunna try to remove the choker off Wyn's neck while the rest including Mr and Mrs Petrov fight Jay Ahn's men.
     As the Lady's struggle to remove the choker ,Kim and Mr Jang suddenly show up and they manage to remove it and all of the Maids and Guards at Jaehyun's Mansion show up for the fight.
     Kim then looks after Wyn as the Lady's and Mr Jang begin to fight Jay Ahn's men. Wyn the wakes up and the two also join the fight.
     Because Jay Ahn is a bit more skilled than Jaehyun, he manages to beat him up,as Jaehyun is still trying to get up, Jay Ahn goes after Wyn,grabs him by the hair and tries to pull him to the helicopter but Wyn fights back.
     Just when Jay Ahn thinks he is about to dominate Wyn, Wyn pulls out the Pocket knife his father in law gave him and uses it to stab Jay Ahn and runs off.
     Jaehyun then manages to get up and beats Jay Ahn and his Men are also defeated so they surrender.
     Wyn runs to Jaehyun and the two hug,kiss and embrace each other.
     Mr Petrov then hugs Jaehyun,Wyn and his other family members and he assured them that Jay Ahn will receive the punishment he deserves.
     Just then as Petrovs men lift Jay Ahn he pushes them off and runs to the Helicopter and it starts to fly off, he mocks them with loud laughing.
     Just then Wyn brings out a small detonator he pick pocketed from Jay Ahn and swapped it with the choker.
           Yunna: No way.
     Everyone stares at the Helicopter as they know what's about to happen.
     As Jay Ahn flies off he hears a beeping sound and when he checks around he finds the choker in his pocket...
        Jay Ahn: Fuck!!!
     Just then it Explodes the Helicopter and it's comes down crushing......

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