Number 1 Wyn: Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Paradise in Reality

Jaehyun walks into the house while Wyn still stands at the entrance shocked.
Mr Jang then tells Wyn that Jaehyun's entire family is not in Korea, so it's just Jaehyun, Him, Guards and a few House Helps.
Mr Jang then welcomes Wyn into the house.
Other workers get their bags and Mr Jang directs them to show Wyn to his room.
When he enters his room, he can't believe how big and Modern looking it is with all the expensive gadgets.
Jaehyun comes by and tells him to be comfortable, he then tells Wyn that they will have dinner at 7, Jaehyun then leaves Wyn to get comfortable.
At 7pm Wyn comes out after taking a nap, he sits at the kitchen table where he is directed by the Head house help Mrs Kim.
He sits while a Chef prepares the food, Wyn smiles while anxiously waiting for the food,then when the chef turns around, Wyn is stoned to see Jaehyun cooking for him.
Wyn: You??
Jaehyun: Welcome to my Kitchen
I am Chef Jaehyun Petrov
And I will be serving you
Wyn then claps in amusement.
Jaehyun then starts bringing out the dishes he made, they are new recipes that he has been making by combining intercontinental spices and ingredients.
He tells Wyn that he is trying to find a signature Food for his restaurant.
Wyn: Oh I see.
Jaehyun: You will be my Food Critic.
Wyn: Wow! This food looks amazing.
Jaehyun: Thank you.
After tasting the first dish, Wyn likes it so much that he keeps eating and forgets to give a review.
Jaehyun: Hey!
Wyn: Oh sorry,I got carried away.
This food is amazing, they
blend in so well.
There are some things that I
Recognize, it's tangy and
Savory at the same time,not
too spicy either.
For some reason I don't want
to stop eating.
Jaehyun: I got a few spices and
Ingredients from India,
Colombia and Here Korea.
How would do you rate my
Wyn: Definitely a 10.
Jaehyun: (Laughs) Ok.
Now for our Entrée.
Bush meat from Central
Cured and Seasoned in the
best Arabian Spices.
Try it.
Wyn cuts out a piece and loves how tender the meat is,he talks about how the spices build up and you can taste every layer.
Wyn finishes the entire piece, Jaehyun smiles in amusement and calls Wyn a big eater while glaring at Mr Jang.
Mr Jang: Your food scares me.
Jaehyun: Just have a seat.
Try some.
Mr Jang: Won't I get food poisoning
from this?
Jaehyun:(Grins) Mr Jang if I wanted
to kill you I would have
done that a long time ago
without using food.
Mr Jang gulps and takes a bite.
Mr Jang: Hold on this is actually
Wyn: Why is he scared of
tasting your food.
Jaehyun: He was my taster in the
Beginning, let's just say I
know much about spices
and ingredients back then.
I made a soup that made
him swell and he had
Diarrhoea for a week.
Mr Jang: I almost died.
Jaehyun: But it's in the past.
Mr Jang: Really?? You never even
Meanwhile Wyn can't hold his laughter.
Jaehyun: I did .
Mr Jang: When?
Jaehyun: At the Hospital....
while you were sleeping.
Mr Jang: Wow Really!!!??

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