Number 1 Wyn: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Too good to be true

The three later leave the Mall and they head back home and Wyn can't stop thanking Jaehyun for the clothes and phone.
He is so excited and can't wait to put on a fashion show for Jaehyun.
(At the Dorms)
Kim is excited when he receives a letter from the School of Psychology he applied for. He has dreamt to be a Psychologist all his life.
The team congratulates him for finally getting into College.
(Jaehyun's Mansion)
Wyn starts his fashion show,they play Poppy music and he performs in front of Jaehyun, Mr Jang, Mrs Kim and the other House Helps and Guards.
They all clap in enjoyment while Jaehyun is embarrassed a little bit, Wyn keeps on changing clothes and makes dramatic entrances.
Everyone cheers for him and Jaehyun finally starts smiling and cheering along too.
At the Dorm they celebrate Kim's entrance into College with a few drinks and food.
As the fashion show is over, Jaehyun calls Wyn a Showman and goes up to his room.
Everyone in the Mansion thanks Wyn for lighting up the house with his show, Jaehyun stands at the top of the staircase watching Wyn.
As the days pass, Wyn does everything on the contract, everyone becomes fond of him as he shows his jolly nature.
They go for picnics, Wyn sings to Jaehyun.
Jaehyun continues experimenting with the different ingredients.
Wyn one time gets burnt with the spicy food and Jaehyun immediately rushes to give him cold dairy.
They even exercise together by jogging around the yard.
They even play different family games like cards and boards.
Jaehyun feels greatful for Wyn's presence and tells Mr Jang that he is glad Wyn is staying with them because he is like a breath of fresh air.
At the Company, Kim's first project is on Behaviourism, he is told to study Human Behavior in different scenarios and situations.
Seeing that they he will be busy most of the time with the Band,he decides to put motion activated mini camera's that he places around the Company,in the Dorms,The reception, Practice rooms, Cafeteria and finally PD's office (to see how one works under company pressure).
He installs the camera's secretly in order to capture people's natural behaviors in their comfort zones, of course his Band members help him to secretly install all the camera's.
One day Jaehyun surprises Wyn with a room he prepared.
As he takes him there he blindfolds him.
When they reach the room, Jaehyun tells Wyn to remove the blindfold and is shocked to see that it's a huge empty room with mirrors from wall to wall.
Wyn: Is this a Dance studio?
Jaehyun: Yes
Wyn: No way.
You did this for me?
Jaehyun: There's one more thing.
Jaehyun opens one of the mirrors and it leads to another room which is a recording studio.
Wyn can't believe what he is seeing, he mumbles failing to talk.
Jaehyun: I figured you might miss
singing and Dancing.
So I thought of this.
Wyn runs to Jaehyun and hugs him, Jaehyun just freezes with his arms and eyes wide open.
Wyn then realizes what he is doing and quickly moves away from Jaehyun then apologizes, then says Thank you countless times to Jaehyun.
Jaehyun: Alright.
I'll leave you to bond with
the space.
Wyn waves at Jaehyun and immediately after he leaves ,Wyn screams in excitement, jumps and runs around, he checks out the recording studio, he stops for a bit and slaps himself thinking it's a dream, he then lays down on the floor and starts laughing while tearing up.
Mr Jang: Are you okay?
Jaehyun: Yes I'm fine,Why?
Mr Jang: Just wondering where this
generosity is coming from.
Jaehyun: I don't know what you are
talking about.
Mr Jang: So we are just going to
pretend that nothing strange
is going on?
Jaehyun: I don't know, what is going
Mr Jang: Forget about it.
Jaehyun smiles as Mr Jang walks away .
(Days later)
As Wyn is practicing, he decides to get a drink from the kitchen.
On his way there he notices some Guards going towards the Basement.
Wyn debates whether to go and see or not, he then decides to go and see.
He sneaks to the Basement Door, he hesitates and finally gathers the courage and goes in.
When he goes in further he discovers that the room is extremely huge with different kinds of vehicles, the room has a garage setting but it's white and spotless.
Wyn then hears some voices and follows where the sound is coming from.
As he walks towards the voices he notices that most of the vehicles are Bulletproof and Military grade vehicles, some are just normal vehicles but modified.
He then finds another room where he hears voices get louder,he gets in and sees another Glass room inside the room.
In the glass room he sees Jaehyun geared up and picking out guns, he then shoots at the targets given to him like he is demonstrating how the gun works.
Mr Jang then sees Wyn and gives Jaehyun a sign, when Jaehyun turns around he sees a terrified Wyn.
When Wyn realizes that Jaehyun has seen him,he runs away.
Jaehyun then tells his Guards to go after Wyn and bring him back.
The Guards chase after Wyn and they finally Catch up with him at the Entrance,then one of the Guards carries a straggling Wyn on his shoulder and takes him back to the basement, Mrs Kim just stands by watching.
Wyn screams for help,but no one helps him.
The Guard drops Wyn in front of Jaehyun, Jaehyun then leans in towards a scared Wyn...
Jaehyun: What are you doing here?
Wyn: uhm...I .... didn't
Jaehyun then gets up and shoots his board target over Wyn's head countless times until the bullets finish.
He then goes down again and asks Wyn why he is in the Basement.
Wyn who is shaking with fear and tears falling down his face fails to talk.
Jaehyun then grabs Wyn by the neck and asks again.
Wyn: I...... Can't.... Breathe..(chokes)
Mr Jang then intervenes and stops Jaehyun who releases Wyn by pushing him away.
Jaehyun: I hate it when people break
simple rules.
I break them.
Wyn holds his neck while coughing. Jaehyun then stands and tells Wyn to get out of his house and that he is terminating the contract.
Wyn kneels down,grabs Jaehyun by the leg and begs him not to kick him out.
Wyn: Please I'm so sorry.
I promise it won't happen again.
Please I'm begging you...
I have no where to go.
Jaehyun: You should have thought of
that before breaking a simple
Wyn: Jaehyun... Please 🥺🥺

Jaehyun: GET OUT!!!!!

EASY TARGET SERIES.. BOOK 1: WYN Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora