Number 1: Wyn Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Slightly Normal

(Morning, Day of the concert)
Wyn shows up like nothing happened, The band wonders why he went MIA. They all complain and share their views on his reckless behavior, as PD walks in on them,they rush to him to complain about Wyn but he just tells them to concentrate on their performance and walks past them.. everyone is left speechless so they just walk away to prepare while Junho stares at Wyn who seems embarrassed. Junho asks Wyn if he knows what he is doing then also walks away.
(Concert time)
After the introduction song,backstage one of the staff members find a video of Wyn that has gone viral, the Band rushes to check it out while Wyn walks behind slowly worried. After viewing the video they all wonder because it's a Food Commercial about a restaurant that will be opening soon by a famous Korean-Russian Chef.
They get astonished and upset that Wyn is doing projects secretly,they call him selfish and greedy because in the past they have taken up projects as a Band not as an individual, Wyn then just walks away without saying a word .
Price gets extremely upset,grabs Wyn by the collar and tries to punch him but Sungwa and Kim step in, Price calls Wyn a selfish Brat and walks away.
Junho confronts Wyn and wonders why he took up a project, a teary Wyn tells him that he just wanted to do something alone, Junho then just angrily walks away grabs a bottle of water gathers his Band and tells them to forget about what just happened and that they have to finish the concert for the fans and that they shouldn't show that they are upset or distracted.
The concert goes extremely well,the Band gives their closing remarks and they head out.
On their way back everyone just sits silently, Wyn feels sad and just stares out the window, Junho stares at Wyn with concern.
The next concert is to take place in the next 3 days, so the Band travels again to the new venue, still no one talks to Wyn through out the preparations,during meals and other mini meetings.
Sitting in a corner alone Junho decides to join Wyn and asks him what's going on, he reminds him that they have been friends for a long time and that he can tell him anything.
Wyn tells Junho not to worry and that everything is fine, Junho assures Wyn that he will be there for him if he ever needed anything. Wyn thanks Junho.
(Night of the third concert)
With so much pressure Wyn fails to concentrate, during the performance he makes a few noticable mistakes and the fans notice the gloomy-ness on Wyn's face, they also notice that Wyn isn't entirely included in the fun activities, it shows clearly that there's some pretense going on.
During their break, backstage, Wyn is focused on his phone reading a text he just received, seeing this Price lashes at Wyn for making silly mistakes and not even apologizing for any of the wrong things he did, he then calls him heartless.
Wyn who is still on the phone starts to insanely reply to the text, Price then asks Wyn why he is ignoring him and pushes him against the wall. Wyn falls down then looks up at Price all teary, he gets up and runs into the bathroom and locks for himself.
Junho, Kim and Sungwa rush to bring him out but Wyn just bursts into tears in the bathroom stoll, they beg him to come out but he just yells at them to go away and they do.
Price is confused as why Wyn is acting out and says he didn't push him that hard.
A staff member tells the Band that they have 5 mins left to go back on stage.
Junho decides to go and bring out Wyn, he stands at the door, knocks and asks him to come out then suddenly there's a thud on the door and Wyn's phone drops out under the door, Junho leans down and peeps under only to find blood and Wyn laying down unconscious.
Junho calls out to his other band members and they rush in, he explains that Wyn is unconscious and bleeding,they try to kick the door to open but they fail, Sungwa rushes to the managers and other staff members for help.
Meanwhile Junho decides to climb into the bathroom stall using a vent and he manages to get in through the one that is directly above the Stall Wyn is in.
He manages to open the door and carries Wyn out,puts him on a couch then notices where the blood is coming from
His wrists.......

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