Number 1 Wyn: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: A Rescue From Reality

Jaehyun: Wyn??
What are you doing here?
Wyn:(Embarrassed) It's a long story.
Jaehyun to the Receptionist: How much
is the Bill?
Receptionist: $900
Jaehyun:Here's my card, cancel his
Receptionist: Done, is there anything
else I can do for you Sir?
Jaehyun: Ah yes, room for 2 please.
Wyn: Sir please
Jaehyun:Let's talk in the room.
Jaehyun then helps Wyn with his bag and heads to the room designated to them.
Wyn seems to be hesitant to come but Jaehyun assures him that the room has 2 separate beds.
(In the room)
Jaehyun takes a seat and offers Wyn one too. He stares at Wyn trying to figure out the situation.
Wyn sits silently and uncomfortable.
Jaehyun then asks Wyn why he almost got arrested by the Hotel.
Wyn seems too embarrassed to talk, so Jaehyun orders food to try and break the tension.
While waiting for the food, Jaehyun takes out his iPad and starts working, meanwhile Wyn glances at Jaehyun, then weirdly says Thank you.
Jaehyun:(Nods his head) Anytime.
The food arrives and Jaehyun invites Wyn to dig in.
At first Wyn hesitates, he starts eating slowly, after a few bites he fails to hide his hunger and rapidly eats the food.
Jaehyun pauses for a bit shocked.
Jaehyun: Wyn, When was the last time
you had a proper meal?
Wyn:(With food in his mouth)
I don't know.
Maybe 3 or 4 days ago.
I really don't remember.
Alright let's eat then.
Wyn then happily eats the food.
After they are done Wyn clears the table and cleans.
After he is done he sits next to Jaehyun who is busy with his work, upon seeing this Jaehyun puts his iPad down to give Wyn attention.
Wyn starts thanking Jaehyun for his hospitality, the food and tells him that he wouldn't want to be a bother.
Jaehyun: Tell me what's going on then I
will decide if you are a bother
or not.
Wyn:(Sighs) Well... I was suspended for
the suicide attempt..
During the suspension I'm not
allowed around or near the dorms
or company.
Jaehyun: Then why didn't you just stay
in your apartment.
Wyn: I moved out and started staying
at the Dorms permanently. Jaehyun Pretends as if he doesn't know that Wyn sold all his stuff and moved out.
Jaehyun: Why would you do that.
Wyn: I needed to save some money.
So I cut the rent and sold
everything I had.
Jaehyun: Why?
Wyn: For my mother.
I was saving up Money for my
mother, she got sick, so I had to
pay the warden to take care of
her secretly and get medicine
for her.
That's why I asked for help from
PD and he brought me to you.
For the Commercial.
Jaehyun: Oh I see.
What was the illness.
Wyn: The warden said it's a
chronic disease.
Jaehyun: I am so sorry to hear that.
Wyn gets emotional and shades a few tears. Jaehyun gets uncomfortable,he tries to comfort Wyn,but he isn't the huggy, touchy type, he puts his hand above Wyn's shoulder and starts patting the air.
Wyn then gathers himself and wipes the tears off, he gets embarrassed that he cried in front of Jaehyun.
Wyn: I'm sorry.
Jaehyun: It's fine,we express
emotions differently.
You cry , I break people and
Wyn bursts into laughter calling Jaehyun funny, he then gets up to get a shower .
Jaehyun: (Confused)
But I wasn't joking.
Was that funny?
(looks around)
Am I?
No way, I can't be.
Jaehyun then leaves a note and walks out.
"I have a meeting,will be back in a few"

Later in the night Jaehyun comes back from his meeting and finds Wyn fast asleep on the couch.
He smiles, then he goes to Wyn's bed and prepares it.
He goes to Wyn, Jaehyun bends over to Wyn about to pick him up when he notices Wyn's Beauty,he stops for a while to admire him.
Jaehyun to himself: Idiot!
Jaehyun picks up Wyn and tacks him in the bed, stares again and goes to his bed.
(In the morning)
Wyn wakes up late and finds Jaehyun putting on his shirt, Wyn is mesmerized by Jaehyun's muscular body, he then tries to stop staring by blinking many times.
Jaehyun notices that Wyn is awake, he greets him and tells him to get ready, they will be leaving in the next 2 hours and that he already ordered breakfast.
Wyn: We? Where are we going?
Jaehyun: To my place.
Wyn: What?? Wait... Why??
Jaehyun: Do you have anywhere else to
Wyn: No .. but
Jaehyun: Do you have money?
Wyn: No.
Jaehyun: So?
Wyn: Why your place, I don't want to be
a burden or live in for free.
What makes you think it's free.
I have another meeting, better be
ready when I'm done.
Wyn sits in his bed shocked,he wonders what Jaehyun meant when he said it's not for free.
Wyn scratches his head and wonders if he should run away, but that will complicate things... He then remembers Jaehyun says he breaks people when he is emotional.
Wyn screams, then quickly covers his mouth, "he will break me if I try to run away, if I run away and he finds me he will break me, what if I stay? Won't he break me?"
(2 Hours Later)
Jaehyun walks in with Mr Jang and Wyn is startled. He greets Mr Jang who is shocked to see Wyn in Jaehyun's room, Mr Jang doesn't say anything he just bows his head and carries out both their bags and they head out.
Jaehyun tells Wyn to sit in the car while he checks out.
On their way Wyn sits next to Jaehyun and Mr Jang faces them.
Wyn brings up the topic about the conversation they had in the morning.
Jaehyun: I am employing you for 6
Jaehyun: I don't know many people here
in Korea.
I will pay you to keep me
Mr Jang keeps on staring at Jaehyun then Wyn then back and forth as they have this conversation.
Jaehyun: So this job comes with free
accomodation and food.
Wyn: No please Sir.. I mean Chef Sir.
You don't have to pay me.
Jaehyun: Let's be realistic here.
6 months is long time for you
to be penniless.
Use this as an opportunity to
build yourself up.
Life is already tough for you
as it is.
Wyn quietly thinks about it,then decides to take the Job.
Jaehyun tells Wyn that when they get home he will build up a contract.
Wyn then smiles and sincerely thanks Jaehyun for everything, for saving him at the Hotel and offering him a job.
Jaehyun just smiles back then he remembers and asks...
Jaehyun: Wyn, I don't get it.
Why did you go to a hotel?
You would have used that
money to atleast get a small
apartment and it would have
saved you for atleast a
month or two.
Wyn: Well .. I did find a small
apartment and I paid for the 6
months but I had to run away
because the owner has 3
daughters who are fans
and she kept giving them
spare keys to my apartment
and they would sneak in, take
pictures of me while I slept,got
my clothes and started telling
their neighbors that I will be
marrying one of them.
It made me uncomfortable and I
just left.
The hotel was safer for me.
Jaehyun and Mr Jang then both burst into laughter, Wyn tries to justify himself but it makes things worse and he ends up joining them laughing.
In that moment Jaehyun sees Wyn's smile for the first and it leaves him staring at Wyn.
After a long drive they reach Jaehyun's place.
When Wyn gets down from the car, his jaw drops when he sees the Mansion that Jaehyun lives in
Wyn: Is this where you live with your
Jaehyun Smirks: I Live here alone...

EASY TARGET SERIES.. BOOK 1: WYN Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant