He was rumored to have come from the same kingdom Lloyd's parents ruled. As that kingdom was known for having tall people with extremely pale hair. And the rebel leaders hair was actually white.

He was also incredibly tall.

Most people who have seen him say he must be at least seven feet tall.

Kai had to admit. A run-in with the rebels was an incredibly scary idea.

So they left the castle walls and walked the carriages.

They had planned for Kai and Skyler to ride with Cole and his guard.

The princes and the guards were going to be in separate carriages however. Mostly to give the two men some privacy to get to know each other.

They were going in Coles carriages for a couple reasons.

His men knew the way better. They had been the route a few times.

They wouldn't have carriages sitting around for four-five months.

Not to mention his kingdom was wealthier so the carriages were nicer.

His and Skyler's luggage had already been packed into the carriages so all that was left was for the two to get on the carriages.

Once they had stepped up to the carriages a footman offered his hand to help Kai into his transportation but he politely declined.

Kai never liked having people do things for him, or being treated as weak because of his second gender. This extended to being helped into carriages.

He wasn't some pretty little princess in a fairy tale who couldn't do anything for herself.

He was a strong independent man, who just happened to be an Omega.


And very pretty.

So he climbed into the carriage without assistance.

After the footman closed the door he turned to the giant beside him.

Like seriously. Cole had to have been like a foot taller than Kai.

(A/n I headcanon Kai as 5'5 and Cole as 6'4 so Cole is just shy of actually being a foot taller than Kai. Can I get an F in the chat for ma boi Kai. Doomed to perpetually live around people taller than him. (He's still taller than me tho))

"Hello." Cole greeted him with a wave.

"Hi." Kai replied.

"Are you ready to leave?" Cole asked. Though Kai could tell Cole already knew the answer.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Good. I really don't want to postpone this trip any longer. The rebels have started getting more active recently, so traveling at night is the last thing I want to do."

Everytime the rebels were brought up, Kai was filled with a sense of hatred.

Remember the assassination attempt I mentioned a while ago? The one on Kai's parents? Those were rebels. A specific division of rebels.

Okay you're probably confused. Lemme explain.

The rebels, in all their hatred of royalty and kingdoms, came up with a name for themselves, Kai presumed they named it like they did as a way of mocking royalty.

But they named themselves the Serpentine Kingdom.

The "Serpentine Kingdom" was split into four different divisions.

The Hypnobri division.

The Venomari division.

The Fangpyre division.

And the Constricti division.

(A/n if I spelled any of that wrong please let me know)

Each division was lead by their own general, and those generals took orders from the leader, known as Pythor.

The Venomari division was the one responsible for the assassination attempt on his parents. The two specific people had been imprisoned, but that didn't make Kai hate the rebels any less.

By the time he had snapped out of his thoughts the carriage was already moving and his castle was but a blur in the distance.

He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Cole was staring at him with what one would probably call a concerned face.

So he turned his head to look at Cole and raised an eyebrow.

Cole seemed incredibly startled.

"Sorry." Cole quickly apologized. "You just seemed so distracted and off in your own little world, and I was wondering if you were okay."

"It's fine." Kai replied blankly.

There was an intense silence.

"So, tell me something about yourself."

Kai jumped, startled by the sudden speech.

"Like what?" Kai asked.

"I don't know, just like, something random. Something someone wouldn't expect. Just random facts about yourself. Anything. We have this carriage to ourselves for a reason."

"Well... I'm not a fan of nicknaming people. I don't mind being called by a nickname, I just don't like giving people nicknames."

"Really? I can't say I would've expected that."

"I'd say no one does except I only have one friend."

"Yeah, I can relate. My guard is like my only friend. I have another friend who's technically from a kingdom neighboring mine, but he does a lot of traveling so I don't see him often."

"That's rough."

They sat in a slightly more comfortable silence for a while, before Cole started speaking again.

(A/n Goddamit Cole, would you stop talking?! I just wanna end the chapter)

"Can I ask you a question?"

'you just did' Kai thought to himself.

"Sure, go ahead." Kai said.

"What would you like for sleeping arrangements? I haven't had anything planned cause I didn't want to plan something you'd be uncomfortable with."

'That was pretty thoughtful of him' Kai thought with a small smile.

"I could get you a room separate from mine, or we could sleep in the same room but separate beds, or we could sleep in the same bed. I'm fine with anything, I just want to know what you'd prefer." Cole rushed out.

Thankfully after all the years Kai had spent listening to Lloyd talk, he got pretty good at understanding very fast speech.

"Maybe we could sleep in the same room but separate beds and then later the same bed. I mean we're probably going to have produce an heir at some point. Sharing a bed is the least of our worries."

Cole nodded in understanding.

"Now. My sleep schedule has been absolutely shit this past week, so if you don't mind. I'm going to sleep."

Cole didn't say anything in return so Kai just laid back and fell asleep for the rest of the ride.


Chapter Three complete.

This one was about 1550 words so my hands have been doing good work lately

And bet ya didn't expect the Serpentine to show up did ya?

I didn't either

And can you guess who Coles friend and who his guard are?

This chapter was mostly made for filler so we could get from one place to the next.

Also something I'd just like to mention.

I really appreciate comments. They let me know people like my story enough to say something. I'm not very good at literacy so if you enjoy my story please leave a comment. They meana lot to me.

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