"We shouldn't be going this way." I muttered as we moved with the torch blinding our way back to the RDA.

"We'll be fine. I heard the chopper this way. Come on. We need a place to camp before--" He stopped talking, as the laughing yipp of the Natang grew closer, louder. I held my walking stick, like one would a baseball bat. As Jake faced the darkness surrounding us.

"Maybe the walking fire needs to be brighter? The whole of Pandora can't pinpoint us yet." I hissed.

"I'm sorry, you wanna fight these things in the dark?" Jake asked, as we moved back to back.

"Or, had you listened to me an put it out they may have left us alone." I snarled.

"C'mon." Jake muttered angrily at the circling Nantang. "I don't have all goddamn night!" He taunted.

"Famous last words." I grumbled as that was all the incentive the Viperwolves needed to charge us.

I used the strong stick to push them away harshly. In the moment as I watched the Natang run off with a torch stabbed into its side, Grace's words rung clear in my head.

"He won't make it till morning." Only now, instead of just him, she would imply my death as well. But I counted down the seconds as a few of the leathery beasts yipped and charged at us, I felt Jake disappear from behind me.

I whacked the animals that jumped at me trying my hardest to not move from my place, giving a small hiss at the ones who slipped past my swings and managed to actually scratch me where they could reach. I kicked some off my feet and batted a few more away.

And then Jake gave a cry of pain as one jumped for his jugular.
"Jake!" I called, turning my head to him. As soon as I did the little monsters found their open window.

I felt each little claw as it dug into my flesh. I hissed running backwards into a tree, stunning the beast and pulling it off chucking it at its pack.

Then she was there. Our saving grace, the Na'vi who has probably followed us for the past few hours.


She jumped over my head as she shot one of the small dog like creatures. She swatted most of them off and I saw the exact one that was aiming to kill her, I charged it swinging my branch at it saving the small things life, she glared and kept moving using her Bow to swat off the creatures sending them on thir small way.

I smiled for a moment, I was able to change a minor detail again, instead of her killing three it was now only two that needed to die. My victory was short lived, I frowned as Jake stood taught, Neytiri crouched hissing in warning to the Viperwolves who lingered before they fled.
I watched them all skatter before leaning onto my walking stick, hissing in pain as I stretched the claw marks in my back, legs, and arms.

I heard Jake frantically telling her no, as she picked up the fire, and tossed it into the small run off stream close by.

I took a breath as Eywa'eveng came to life around us, calm washing over me. The bioluminescent plants, complimenting the glowing dots on our skin nicely, sadly my words will do this world no justice at all. The blue, green, yellow and purple world coming to life made me smile for a moment.

I made my way to the dieing Viperwolf, every time I saw it in the movie I wanted to save it. Like that dream I clung to growing up, of me being an animal vet resurfacing, screaming at me to try and save it.

I knelt down and kept my hand on the poor things neck forcing it down. I touched around the arrow, feeling it trying to escape, the viperwolf whimpered as I poked and prodded it.

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