Chapter 4 - A fun game

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I was right. Being a slicer is terrible. I almost threw up twice and I accidentally cut my finger three times.

After a long day, I was happy to go out of the blood house and get dinner.

I got my food and looked around to see Newt or Minho. I saw Minho sitting alone so I joined him.

'So, when are you gonna give me the training to be a runner?' I asked Minho.

'Hmm, I'll see. He answered.

'Hmm, okay. How was your day?' I asked him out of interest. 'Did you find anything?'

'Nope.' He looked at someone. 'Only a.. very annoyed person.'

I looked at the person Minho was looking at. He was looking at Newt. He walked towards us with a kind of mad look on his face.

'What's wrong?' I asked him.

'Nothing.' He groaned. He looked at me and then at Minho with another annoyed look on his face.

'We were just talking about when my runner training will be.' I told Newt.

That didn't seem to cheer him up.
'Why would you wanna be a runner? Trust me you don't want to.' He told me.

It was like he didn't want me to be a runner.
'Well, I want to.' I said.

'Whatever.' Newt said with his mouth full.

'So, what do y'all do after dinner? I mean work is done, and there will be no bonfire tonight, right? I asked changing the subject.

'Oh, we don't do anything.'

'Aren't y'all shucking bored then?!' I asked.

Newt looked at me with his mouth wide open, the food almost falling out.

'Well, someone's a very fast learner.' Minho said.

Did I just say shucking? I didn't even realize it.

'Can't we play a game or something?' I asked them.

'Like what?'

'Something in teams maybe? Like one team has to run away from the other team? And if you get caught you go in 'jail' and then your teammates have to save you by giving you a tap on your shoulder.' I told them.

'Sounds like a children's game.' Minho answered.

'Come on, Minho.' I mocked and looked at him.

'Okay, fine.' He sighed.

'I'm in.' Newt said. 'I'll go get Alby, Winston, Zart, Clint, and Frypan. I think you met all of them, greenie.'


After a while, we made the teams.
Team one was: Raven, Minho, Clint, and Zart
Team two was: Newt, Winston, Frypan, and Alby.

I was okay with my team. I didn't really know Clint but he seemed like a nice guy. My team was supposed to run away from the other team. If you get caught you'll go into the jail that's surrounded by some players of team two.

We heard a yell from the other side of the glade, meaning that we could start.
My team decided that we would just hide, Clint and Zart would hide behind the Homestead, and me and Minho at the Deadheads.

I and Minho ran quietly to the small forest. We both stood behind a tree. After a while, I heard something cracks. Someone was walking towards us. It was already getting dark, so we couldn't see much.
Then it sounded like the person was running. Did he see us?

Minho ran away because the person was very close to him. I could see him, even though it was dark. The person followed Minho. Minho ran faster and looked over his shoulder to see if the person was still following him. He was. Minho turned around again and continued running.
But when he turned around he didn't notice a tree right before him.

At full speed, he ran towards the tree. He crashed into the tree, which made him fall to the ground. It looked really funny so I laughed, but quickly put my hand in front of my mouth.
Oops... I made too much noise. A different person from the other team ran towards me.

I decided that I had to get out of the forest. I ran. The person was still following me, also running but I was faster. After a while, I didn't hear the person behind me so I quietly ran back to the Deadheads to hide.
I was almost at the dead heads when I saw a person running towards me on my right. I got to the left towards the Homestead.

I was at the front of the homestead, but I wanted to go to the back.

I ran a little bit further and turned left, but then I bumped into someone.


There was a torch on the wall so I could see the blond hair of the person I bumped into. Of course, it had to be Newt. I hit my head kind of hard when we bumped into each other and it looked like Newt did too.

After a few seconds, I got back to reality. I didn't want Newt to catch me, even though he actually kind of did that already, so I went for the run.

'Sorry!' I yelled at him while running away.
I ran toward the jail and tapped Minho on his shoulder to get him out. We played the game for 2 more hours with different teams. It was fun!


A/n: yay, next chapter! This one was really fun to write!
I will probably update today or tomorrow.

𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 ➀ - The Maze Runner, NewtOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz