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Elena Pov

Over a decade ago I was a teenager who felt as if my whole life was ahead of me not knowing the dangers that would come my way. Not knowing who i was really was or having any idea what the world was really like and then suddenly that changed. I learned the impossible was real and that things really do go bump in the night. I never knew what the meaning of a mother's love truly meant. I never knew what it was like to really be in love. I never knew the true meaning of parents protecting there loved ones. Well at least until now i didn't. 

  A little over a decade ago i fell in love and it wasn't the type of love story that you would expect. We didn't just find each other we were supposed to always be enemies him the brother of the guy that killed me my aunt and my birth mother. Me the girl that shared the face with the same two women that tried to use his brothers for there own personal game. The girl that line made the unthinkable.

But we happened and we loved and then we ended but during that time i had never felt so alive it was like nothing else mattered. 

And after he left i found that i wasn't left alone i was left carrying twins. My son Henrick Mikaelson and my daughter Aubree Mikaelson. And although i didn't raise my son and my daughter wasn't the easiest at times. But we got through it together there was nothing i wouldn't do for my daughter no matter how much she reminded me of my ex.

But my little girl had one thing in mind getting her family together. And her and her brother mostly her because she knew that he wouldn't be able to cross the line that she was going to in order to make her dream a reality. so when the twins finally got together there plan was hatched operation family And while at the time i didn't get why was going on i understand it now. 

My daughter was ready to do anything to get her dream of having her family together. I was handling my own plan while it was me and my little girl i had always put her above everything and while that wasn't a worry when it came to the guys i dated because while i knew she didn't like any of them and she really only wanted me and her dad together. I didn't care she would always come first and that was still the case even when she didn't know it. 

And reuniting with my son gave me even more cause to do what i needed to do to protect my kids. And while any other time Aubree would have been able to easily persuade me i always would put her first.  I would always put them first.

Even when it meant almost losing my life. But i wasn't the only one ready to risk it all. while i loved him pretending to be with someone else for the sake of protecting my children overruled everything. 

He was willing to do everything to protect any of us and whiklehe was willing to walk away from his lover for me i had the kids to think about i had to find out what this guy my supposed lover or boyfriend wanted with them. And in a tale as old as time we ended up in each others arms but not because we wanted to but because our kids weren't stupid they knew they knew we needed each other and Aubree went to the means to make it happen those of which her brother wasn't the happiest with and while i almost died like he would have actually happen while i broke the promise he wasn't lettiung me go he wasn't letting our family go.

But things are different now the group that wanted to use my kids against the originals are no longer. And we are finally a family and we just might expand that family.

But for now everything is alright and that is all i could wish for. I got the family i always wanted i am back with the love of my life and as of right now, my kids are not in danger. i couldn't ask for anything more. 

"Mom come on."

"Here i come."

Third Pov

Elena closed the journal and put it back in the drawer. She stood going downstairs where the kids and Kol were waiting. She knew that her daughter wasn't patient. "Can we go now?"

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